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Slavic and Eastern European Studies: Books

Describes research sources for Russia, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union.

Finding Books

In the UCSB Library:

In UC Libraries and Beyond:

If you do not find what you are looking for in UC Library Search, try searching WorldCat.

Transliteration (Romanization) Schemes for Non-Latin Scripts

To search on names or words from Cyrillic languages, you need to transliterate the name into the Latin alphabet first.  Use the official library transliteration table for your language.

UC Library Search


WorldCat Discovery @UCSB

WorldCat Discovery @UCSB is a way to find books and other materials located in libraries outside the UC System. 

Why Use Books and Monographs?

Books and monographs will often provide the most detailed treatment of a topic.  For this reason they can take longer to publish.  Therefore, the most current information on a topic will likely be found in journal articles.

Research Tip:  For thorough research on a topic you should use a mix of both books and articles.

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Kremlin Church

Kremlin Church

View of the Kremlin's Church of the Annunciation

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