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Slavic and Eastern European Studies: Films by Genre

Describes research sources for Russia, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union.

Slavic-related Films by Genre

Animated Films / Мультфильмы

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Comedy Films / Комедия

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Documentary Films / Документальные фильмы

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Drama / Драма

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Film Adaptations / Экранизация

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Music & Dance / Музыка и танец

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Mysteries / Детективы

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Science Fiction & Fantasy / Научная фантастика и Фантастика

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Television Series / Телесериалы

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War Movies / Боевики

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These lists include feature films, mini-series, documentaries, and animation related to Russia, the Slavic world, and the former Soviet Union that are held by the UCSB Library. 

All videos are on DVD and can be checked out.  They are located in Media Collection on the 2nd floor, Ocean Side unless another location is listed.

Unless noted, the films listed are in Russian and have English subtitles available.

The films are listed by their English titles, which do not always translate exactly from the Russian.  To find a film by the Russian title, go to the "Slavic-related Films (all)" page and use the "find in page" feature of your browser.

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