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Political Science: Statistics Sources: Federal, United States

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This page lists print and online statistical resources covering the United States as a whole.

Statistics Sources: Federal, United States

Federal, United States statistics sources:

  • Almanac of the 50 States, 1985-2010.
    - Biennial source that provided comparable statistics for each of the states (plus Washington, DC), indluding information on demography, health, eduation, housing, the economy, etc.
    - Latest (2010) in Ref; other volumes in Main Library HA 203 .A5
  • U.S. Census Bureau.
    - U.S. Census Bureau data, drawn from the Decennial Census, American Community Survey, Economic Census, and many regular other surveys of the Nation's people, their work and their lives.
    - An interagency Federal initiative, hosted by the General Services Administration, that aims to increase public access to datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. Includes tools to find, download and use datasets.
    - A portal to regional socioeconomic data from federal, state and non-government sources.
  • ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States
    [online resource; UCSB IP addresses only]
    - Published since 1878, an authoritative summary of statistics on social, political, and economic aspects of the United States.
    - Ref C3.134 and online (since 2013)
  • UC Berkeley Library. U.S. Data & Statistics Sources.
    - An extensive guide, with links.
  • University of Texas at Austin. Comparative Agendas Project
    - Collects and organizes data from various archived sources to trace changes in the national policy agenda and public policy outcomes since the Second World War.
  • USAFacts.
    USAFacts is a "non-partisan, not-for-profit civic initiative" from the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), the Penn Wharton Budget Model, Lynchburg College and other partners that uses publicly available government data sources to provide "a new data-driven portrait of the American population, our government’s finances, and government’s impact on society."

See also the UCSB Library Social Sciences Data and Statistics research guide.

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