This page lists print and online resources covering aspects of public opinion across the world as a whole, and in other nations individually.
Public Opinion: International, Other Nations
International & other nations public opinion sources:
- A comparative series of national public attitude surveys on democracy, markets and civil society in Africa.
- A comparative survey of Asia countries that focuses on the daily lives of ordinary people and their relationships to family, neighborhood, workplace, social and political institutions and the market place.
British Election Study. (BES)
- A study conducted at every British General Election since 1964, its goal is to describe and to explain why people vote, why they vote as they do, what affects the election outcome, and what are the consequences of elections for democracy in Britain. The British Election Study 2015 is managed by a consortium of The University of Manchester, The University of Oxford and The University of Nottingham.
Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. (CSES)
- A common set of survey questions focused on the effects of electoral institutions on citizens' attitudes and behavior, the presence and nature of social and political cleavages, and the evaluation of democratic institutions across different political regimes.
- Surveys and studies from the Public Opinion Analysis sector of the European Commission that address major topics of European citizenship, such as EU enlargement, society, health, culture, information technology, environment, the Euro, defence, etc.
European Election Studies. (EES)
- A series of studies that focus on electoral participation and voting behaviour in European Parliament elections, plus the public view of the performance of the EU political community and of the evolution of a European public sphere.
European Social Survey. (ESS)
- A biennial study series designed to measure changes in public attitudes and behavior patterns, both over time and across nations, regarding Europe's changing political and social institutions, and the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of its diverse populations.
European Values Study.
- A large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research program on basic human values that provides insights into the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values and opinions of citizens all over Europe with regard to life, family, work, religion, politics and society.
German Election Studies Series.
- In federal election years, the German Politbarometer furnishes data on attitudes and electoral behavior of the German electorate, including their views on other political, social, economic, and personal issues. From ICPSR. (next entry)
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. (ICPSR)
- An international consortium of about 700 academic institutions and research organizations that maintains a huge social science data archive, including specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.
International Social Survey Programme. (ISSP)
- A cross-national survey series covering such social science research topics as national identity, citizenship and the role of government; social relations and social support systems; family and gender role issues; work and leisure; health and the environment.
Latin American Public Opinion Project surveys. (LAPOP)
- A subscription service from Vanderbilt University, the AmericasBarometer is a biennial cross-national survey (begun in 2004) of democratic values and behaviors in the Americas. See especially LAPOP's extensive, book-length country studies and its Insights Series that provides brief analyses of key, policy-relevant data gathered by the AmericasBarometer. LAPOP survey data can be queried at no cost to the user.
Latinobarometro Data.
- An annual public opinion survey conducted in 18 Latin American countriesthat looks at the development of democracy, economies and societies, using indicators of opinion, attitudes, behaviour and values.
Pew Research Center: International Affairs.
- Public opinion surveys around the world on a broad array of subjects, ranging from people’s assessments of their own lives to their views about the current state of the world and important issues of the day.
Pew Research Center: Hispanic/Latinos.
- Conducts public opinion surveys to study U.S. Hispanic views on a range of social matters and public policy issues, and to chronicle Latinos’ growing impact on the nation. In addition, the surveys gather data on Latino demography, economics and personal finance, education, identity, immigration, politics, work and employment, and on the values, attitudes and experiences of Latino youth.
Polling the Nations.
- An online database of public opinion polls containing the full text of 600,000+ questions and responses, from 18,000+ surveys and 1,700+ polling organizations, conducted from 1986 through the present in the U.S. and more than 100 other countries around the world.
World Public Opinion.
- An international collaborative project that collects and analyses public opinion data on international policy issues from around the world. Many datasets available in the Digital Repository of the University of Maryland.