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Exhibitions: Resources for Curators of Library Exhibitions: UCSB Library Exhibition Roles & Responsibilities

A guide to assist librarians, faculty, or students who are creating an exhibition in UCSB Library.

Exhibition Team

The exhibition team will include at a minimum, the following roles: curators, exhibitions librarian, events and exhibitions assistant, marketing and communication manager, and graphic designer.

This section outlines the major roles and responsibilities of each of these team members. 

Responsibilities of the Exhibitions Librarian

  • Develop standards and procedures for Library exhibitions
  • Manage Library exhibition spaces and supplies
  • Chair the Library Exhibitions Committee
  • Solicit exhibition proposals and review them with Library Exhibitions Committee; seek partners for exhibitions
  • Provide project management for all exhibitions
  • Ensure adherence to UCSB and UCSB Library policies (risk management, insurance, etc.)
  • Coordinate installation technical needs (e.g. matting and framing)Provide exhibition installation and de-installation assistance, including hiring vendors when necessary
  • Coordinate incoming and outgoing loans for exhibition, including traveling exhibitions
  • Provide assessment framework for exhibitions, including conducting debriefing activities post-installation of exhibition
  • Create digital exhibitions for select physical exhibitions

Responsibilities of the Exhibition Curator(s)

  • Determine exhibition theme and central topics (should be able to define the “story of the exhibition”
  • Attend an early conceptual and design development team meeting
  • Be familiar with the Library’s Resources for Curators guide (
  • Select materials to exhibit
  • Create an early mock up of exhibition and allow graphic designer to provide feedback
  • Supervise interns working on the exhibition (if applicable)
  • Provide Exhibitions Librarian with a comprehensive inventory of exhibition materials—at minimum this will include images, installation placement and requirements, and digitization requirements for each item
  • Write and fact-check all exhibition text within reason (preferably in consultation with one other scholarly expert in the field)
  • Fulfill deadlines set by Exhibitions Librarian to ensure smooth planning, execution, and on-time opening of exhibition
  • Meet regularly with exhibitions team (Exhibitions Librarian, Digital Services staff, graphic designer, information technology staff, etc.) to ensure deliverables are met and all parties understand timelines and responsibilities
  • Provide production-ready text to graphic designer
  • Serve as curator or designate a co-curator for the AV component as needed
  • Oversee installation of exhibits (unless otherwise agreed upon) 
  • Collaborate with Exhibitions team on curricular outreach
  • Participate in ongoing assessment of exhibitions
  • Participate in post-installation debriefing meeting

Role of AV support

  • If there is to be an audio and or video component,the Library IT Department is responsible for locating and installing a desktop system and adding recorded clips and files.
  • If the AV component will be a webpage,contact Ian Lessing (Library Systems & Repository Department) for assistance

Responsibilities of the Communications & Marketing Manager

  • Copy editing of all exhibition text
  • Submit recommended edits to curator
  • Provide feedback based on style guide
  • Submit final text to curator(s)
  • Publicize and promote exhibition

Responsibilities of the Graphic Designer

  • Serve on exhibition team
  • Develop overall look and feel of the exhibition, in consultation with the exhibition curator(s)
  • Assist as needed with mock installation created by curator(s) and provide feedback as needed
  • Design and print collateral materials
  • Provide Word template for creating exhibition labels
  • Ensure adherence to the Exhibitions Style Guide
  • Participate in post-installation debriefing meeting