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World History by Topic: Public History

Public History

A companion to public history
[online resource; UCSB IP addresses only]
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2018.

The Oxford handbook of public heritage theory and practice.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Main Library CC135 .O945 2018 

The Oxford handbook of public history
New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. 
- Main Library D16.163 .O94 2017

Additional Reference Sources for World History by Topic (Public History):

Additional encyclopedias are listed on the United States History research guide, under the "Reference Sources" → "Encyclopedias & Dictionaries" tab.

Additional encyclopedias are listed on the World History (generally) research guide, under the "Reference Sources" → "Encyclopedias & Dictionaries" tab.

Additional encyclopedias are listed on the World History by Period research guide, under the "Prehistory & Ancient" tab, the "Medieval History" tab, etc.

Additional encyclopedias are listed on the World History by Region research guide, under the "Africa" tab, the "Asia" tab, etc. 

Additional encyclopedias are listed on the World History by Topic research guide, under the "Commerce, Commodities & Material Culture" tab, the "Empires, Borderlands & their Legacies" tab, etc.

Primary sources provide immediate, firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning an event or topic.

Examples of primary sources include letters and diaries; photographs, audio and motion picture recordings; transcribed speeches; books, newspapers and magazines published during the period under consideration; government documents and other publications; oral histories, autobiographies and memoirs; and even artifacts, like clothing, furniture, and other items of material culture from the period.

American Association for State and Local History. (AASLH)
AASLH is a national membership association focused on preserving and interpreting state and local history, to make the past more meaningful to all people

National Council on Public History. (NCPH)
NCPH is a membership association dedicated to making the past useful in the present and to encouraging collaboration between historians and their publics. The NCPH quarterly journal, The Public Historian, is a definitive voice of the public history profession in providing historians with the latest scholarship and applications from the field.

Oral History Association. (OHA) 
A membership organization for people committed to the value of oral history, OHA fosters best practices and encourages support for oral history and oral historians. OHA publishes the journal, Oral History Review and operates the H-Oral listserv

What's on This Page?

In the boxes on this page, you will find links and citations to information resources on public history.

For advice on finding books on your topic, see the 'How to Find Books' tab of the World History (generally) research guide.
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