To locate books on your topic, use the UCSLibrary Search (https:// As a starting point, use a keyword search on the likely terms. You are unlikely to find references to a specific plastics and polymersl, but may be able to find useful books on classes of materials. If the more specific subject fails, use the Browse Search option, select browse by Subject, and browse the subject headings "Plastics" or "Polymers" themselves. Note that browsing by call number on the shelves will miss our extensive collection of electronic books; however, you can browse by Library of Congress (LC) call numbers and see both e-book and print book listings.
Provides access to a wide range of handbooks and other reference works in engineering (chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical, materials and biotechnology), chemistry and biochemistry, earth and environmental sciences among other areas. You may search within a particular work, or across the entire Knovel collection. Searching may be done by keyword, or by numeric data ranges.
Includes handbooks from a wide range of areas. Handbooks are browsable by table of contents, or keyword searchable, either individually or combined. Note that UCSB does not subscribe to the entire CRCnetBASE collection.
Comprehensive bibliographic database of scientific and technical engineering research available, covering all engineering disciplines. Includes citations and abstracts from engineering journals and conference proceedings.
Indexes patents of chemical, electrical and mechanical inventions from 40 patent-issuing authorities worldwide. Searchable by topic, inventor, patent assignee, patent number, classification codes, as well as searching by cited patents, and by chemical compounds.
Covers thousands of research journals, and extensive collections of conference proceedings and books across hundreds of disciplines.
Web of Science consists of the following databases:
Enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.
Contains peer-reviewed conference papers presented at Materials Research Society meetings. Topics include electronic materials, plastics and polymers, composite materials, ceramics and metals. For current MRS proceedings (2016-present) see the journal "MRS Advances".
Date Coverage: 1980-2015
Indexes papers on optics, photonics, optoelectronics, and imaging. Subject coverage is broad across optical technology, including astronomy, aerospace, remote sensing, biomedical optics, communications & fiber optics, electronic & medical imaging, lasers, microelectronics & micromachining, nanotechnology, optical physics, chemistry & biology, and signal & image processing.