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Materials Science and Engineering: Metals and Alloys

Subject guide for materials science and engineering

Locating Books

To locate books on your topic, use the UCSB Online Catalog ( As a starting point, use a keyword search on the likely terms. You are unlikely to find references to a specific alloy, but may be able to find useful books on classes of metals or alloys. If the more specific subject fails, browse the subject heading "Materials" itself. Call number ranges for metals and alloys include:

  • QC 176 - Solid state physics / Condensed matter physics
  • QD 965 - Crystallography
  • TA 459-489 - Metals and alloys
  • TN 600-799- Metallurgy
    • TN 690 - Alloy phase diagrams

General Reference Works

Analysis and Characterization of Metals -- besides references below, see also: Analytical Chemistry Reference Guide

ASM Handbook UCSB Only(formerly the Metals Handbook, 10th ed.) (SEL Ref Area TA 459 .A53)
The ASM Handbook is probably the single most important reference work on metals and alloys. This 22 volume (and growing) set covers in detail almost every easpect of metals engineering. There is a cumulative index covering volumes published through 1994. Later volumes have begun to include information on non-metallic materials. The electronic version includes many interactive tables and graphs, and is data-searchable.

ASM Metals Reference Book (3rd ed.) (SEL Ref Area TA 459 .A78 1993)
A one-volume general refernce work on properties, characterization and testing, specifications, etc. of a wide variety of metals and alloys.

ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital LibraryUCSB Only (
The ASTM standards collection includes a host of detailed standard methods for the testing of materials, including metals and alloys.  The online collection may be searched by keyword, or browsed by standard number, and includes both the most up-to-date standards as well as previous versions.

Concise Encyclopedia of Materials Charaterization, 2nd ed. (SEL Ref Area TA 407 .C659 2005)
This is an slphabetical collection of short articles on a wide variety of methods for the testing and characterization of materials. Unlike the ASTM standards, it does not give detailed methods. The articles are authoritative and have good, brief bibliographies.

Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Metals (SEL Ref Area TA 459 .A79 2000)
An ASM Ready Reference book tabulating electrical properties (conductivity and resistivity) and magnetic properties (permeabilty, induction, Curie temperature, etc.) of a variety of materials, grouped by the electrical (high conductivity, high resistivity) or magnetic (soft, hart, paramagetic, diamagnetic) class of the metals and alloys.

The Metal Databook (SEL Ref Area TA 459 .N39)
A concise handbook of specifications, compositions and properties for metals and alloys, grouped by: the elements, cast irons, steels, aluminum and its alloys, copper and its alloys, zinc and its alloys, plus chapters on powder metallurgy, general reference data and units and measures.

Metals Handbook Desk Edition (2nd ed.) (SEL Ref Area TA 459 .M288 1998)
A one-volume collection of core data and tables from the multi-volume ASM Handbook (see above).

MRS Proceedings Library UCSB Only(
MRS Proceedings Library contains over 400 volumes from 1998 to the present, of sumposium proceedings from the Materials Research Society, the momst important professional group in materials science and engineering. Symposia cover the gamut of topics of interest to materials scientists.

Physical Metallurgy Handbook (SEL Ref Area TN 690.4 .S57 2003)
This handbook contains extensive discussions of alloy phases and treatment methods, concentrating mainly on iron-carbon/steel alloys.

Properties and Units for Engineering Alloys (SEL Ref Area TA 483 .A78 1997)
An ASM Ready Reference book,this slim volume contains definitions, citations to standard test methods, units and conversion factors for a host of properties -- mehanical, corrosion, electrical, magnetic, thermal, etc. -- used by engineers of metals and alloys.

Thermal Properties of Metals (SEL Ref Area TA 460 .A223 2002)
This ASM Ready Reference volume tabulates thermal expansion, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, melting point/range, and thermal emittance data for a variety of metals and alloys.

Alloy Phase Diagrams

Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams (SEL Ref Area TN 690 .B528 1986)
A comprehensive two-volme set from ASM. Detailed source references for each entry.

Handbook of Binary Phase Diagrams (SEL Ref Area TN 690.4 .M63 1978)
A three volume, loos-leaf set from General Electric. (UCSB's copy last updated in 1980.)

Handbook of Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams (SEL Ref Area TN 690 .V493 1995)
A ten-volume comprehensive set of ternary phase diagrams, very similar in format to the ASM binary systems guide listed above. Detailed source references for each entry.

Pearson's Handbook of Crystallographic Data for Intermetallic Phases (SEL Ref Area TN 690 .P412 1985)
No phase diagrams as such, but the related crystallographic data, with references for a host of binary and ternary intermetallic compounds, from ASM.

Reference Works for Specific Metals and their Alloys

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