Encyclopedia of Chinese history.
[online resource; UCSB IP addresses only]
New York: Routledge, 2016.
Encyclopedia of Taiwan. 台灣文獻叢刊
[online resource; UCSB IP addresses only]
The result of 15 years’ work by historians and scholars, the Encyclopedia of Taiwan includes abstracts and indexing from thousands of books and is the largest single database on Taiwanese history in the Chinese language.
Historical dictionary of Pakistan. 4th ed.
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.
- Ref DS382 .B87 2015
The Oxford companion to Pakistani history.
[online resource; UCSB IP addresses only]
Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Routledge handbook of early Chinese history.
Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018.
- Main Library DS741.5 .R68 2018
The Cambridge History of China.
Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978-2019.
- Main Library DS735 .C3145 v.1-15
- Contents: v.1 The Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 BC–AD 220. v.2 The Six Dynasties, 220–589. v.3 Sui and T'ang China, 589–906 AD, Part 1. v.4 Sui and T'ang China, 589–906 AD, Part 2. v.5-1 The Sung Dynasty and its Precursors, 907–1279, Part 1. v.5-2 Sung China, 960–1279 AD, Part 2. v.6 Alien Regimes and Border States, 907–1368. v.7 The Ming Dynasty, 1368–1644, Part 1. v.8 The Ming Dynasty, 1368–1644, Part 2. v.9-1 The Ch'ing Empire to 1800, Part 1. v.9-2 The Ch'ing Dynasty to 1800, Part 2. v.10 Late Ch'ing 1800–1911, Part 1. v.11 Late Ch'ing 1800–1911, Part 2. v.12 Republican China, 1912–1949, Part 1. v.13 Republican China, 1912–1949, Part 2. v.14 The People's Republic, Part 1. v.15 The People's Republic, Part 2.
The Cambridge history of Japan.
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988-
- Main Library DS835 .C36 1988 v.1-6
- Contents: v.1 Ancient Japan -- v.2 Heian Japan -- v.3 Medieval Japan --v.4 Early modern Japan -- v.5 The nineteenth century -- v.6 The twentieth century.
New Cambridge History of India.
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987-
- Main Library DS436 .N47 1987.
- Contents: I. The Mughals and their contemporaries: I-1. The Portuguese in India. I-2. Vijayanagara. I-3. Mughal and Rajput painting. I-4. Architecture of Mughal India. I-5. The Mughal Empire. I-6. Architecture and art of Southern India: Vijayanagara and the successor states. I-7. Architecture and art of the Deccan sultanates. I-8. A social history of the Deccan, 1300-1761. II. Indian states and the transition to colonialism: II-1. Indian society and the making of the British Empire. II-2. Bengal: the British bridgehead. II-3. The Sikhs of the Punjab. II-4. The Marathas, 1600-1818. II-5. European commercial enterprise in pre-colonial India. III. The Indian empire and the beginnings of modern society: III-1. Socio-religious reform movements in British India. III-2. Peasant labour and colonial capital: rural Bengal since 1770. III-3. The economy of modern India, 1860-1970. III-4. Ideologies of the Raj. III-5. Science, technology, and medicine in colonial India. III-6. The Indian princes and their states. IV. The evolution of contemporary South Asia: IV-1. The politics of India since independence. IV-2. Women in modern India. IV-3. Caste, society, and politics in India frrom the eighteenth century to the modern age. IV-4. An agrarian history of South Asia.
Additional encyclopedias are listed on the United States History research guide, under the "Reference Sources" → "Encyclopedias & Dictionaries" tab.
Additional encyclopedias are listed on the World History (generally) research guide, under the "Reference Sources" → "Encyclopedias & Dictionaries" tab.
Additional encyclopedias are listed on the World History by Period research guide, under the "Prehistory & Ancient" tab, the "Medieval History" tab, etc.
Additional encyclopedias are listed on the World History by Region research guide, under the "Africa" tab, the "Asia" tab, etc.
Additional encyclopedias are listed on the World History by Topic research guide, under the "Commerce, Commodities & Material Culture" tab, the "Empires, Borderlands & their Legacies" tab, etc.
Primary sources provide immediate, firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning an event or topic.
Examples of primary sources include letters and diaries; photographs, audio and motion picture recordings; transcribed speeches; books, newspapers and magazines published during the period under consideration; government documents and other publications; oral histories, autobiographies and memoirs; and even artifacts, like clothing, furniture, and other items of material culture from the period.
The Transfer of power 1942-7.
London, H.M.S.O. 1970-1983
- Main Library DS480.83 .T7 v.1-12
- Constitutional relations between Britain and India. Unpublished documents drawn either from the official archives of the India Office in the custody of the India Office Records or from the private collections of the Viceregal papers in the India Office Library.