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Geology & Earth Science: Geospatial Collections

A guide for doing research in geology and Earth science.

Geospatial Collectons in the UCSB Library

The UCSB Library's geospatial collection consists of over 500,000 paper maps and 2.5 million air photos, as well as atlases, gazetteers, GIS data, CDs, DVDs and globes.  Although the collection's scope spans the entire world (and beyond!) on a variety of topics and in a range of scales, the main focus is on Santa Barbara and California, primarily in the geosciences.

For more information about geospatial data, GIS, or maps, consult the following guides:

Our geospatial librarians are available to help you with your research.  For assistance, see the "profile" boxes on this page for their contact information.

Aerial Photography, Maps, and Spatial Data Resources in the UCSB Library

Aerial photography:  located in our Geospatial Collection

Maps:  located in our Geospatial Collection

Spatial Data Resources:  GIS Software and assistance is available in the Interdisciplinary Research Collaboratory


Geologic Maps Online

Consult the Experts

Need help with geospatial information and tools?

Consult the experts below...

Maps & Aerial Photography

Profile Photo
Tom Brittnacher
UCSB Library
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010
(805) 893-2779

GIS Data & Software

Profile Photo
Jon Jablonski
UCSB Library
University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
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