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Geology & Earth Science: Books, Monographs, & Scientific Reports

A guide for doing research in geology and Earth science.

Finding Books in the UCSB Library:

In the UCSB Library:

Searches in UC Library search will find books, articles, and other resources available in the UCSB Library and other UC Libraries.  For the best results in searching for books, use the "Resource Type" facet to limit your search results to "books".

Online Book Collections:

Online books for geology and Earth sciences can be found in the UC Library Search.  The links below are shortcuts to our major ebook content for this subject.

Why Use Books, Monographs & Scientific Reports?

Books, monographs, and scientific reports will often provide the most detailed treatment of a topic.  However, because of this they can take longer to publish.  Therefore, the most current information on a topic will likely be found in journal articles.

Scientific Reports & Geological Survey Publications

Many scientific reports in the geological and Earth sciences are published as part of the formal series of the United State Geological Survey and state geological surveys.  While newer publications in these series will likely be cataloged individually in UCSB Library Search, older reports may only be listed by report number on the record for the series title.  Many of the reports are available online or in the print collections of the UCSB Library.  See the Geological Surveys tab of this guide for more information and tips.  Note:  The best database for finding citations to these reports is GeoRef.

Research Tip:  For thorough research on a topic you should use a mix of both books and articles.

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