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Communication: Guides to Doing Research in Communication

Sage Research Methods

Guides to Doing Research in Communication


  • Building communication theory (Infante et al., 1997)
    • Communication theory from the social scientific perspective, emphasizing contributions from theorists.
    • Ref P90 .I476 1997
  • Communication research measures: a sourcebook (Rubin et al., eds., 1994)
    • Descriptions of questionnaires, tests, scales and measures used in communication research, with comments on validity and reliability. Indicates what studies have used a particular instrument.
    • Ref P91.3 .C62 1994
  • Communication research statistics (Reinard, 2006)
    • This introductory textbook guides students through the statistics used in most empirical research in the field of communication studies.
    • P93.7 .R45 2006
  • Handbook of media and communication research: qualitative and quantitative methods
    • P91.3 .H34 2002
  • Researching communications: a practical guide to methods in media and cultural analysis (Deacon et al., 2007)
    • Explains and illustrates methods used for empirical research in the field of communication studies.
    • P90 .R376 2007
  • Sage sourcebook of advanced data analysis methods for communication research (Hayes et al., 2008)
    • Introduction to advanced statistical methods applied to research in the field of communication.
    • P93.7 .S24 2008
  • Statistical methods for communication science (Hayes, 2005)
    • Introduction to statistical methods, including such "key topics as sampling procedures, probability, reliability, hypothesis testing, simple correlation and regression, and analyses of variance and covariance."
    • P93.7 .H39 2005
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