- Above is the Journal Citation Reports opening screen. At the top left are links to other products in the Web of Science family. At top right are links to sign in (or create a personal account), and Help
- Note the Journals, Categories and Publishers tabs at the top of the display. You may display lists of all individual journals, by rank or subject categories by group, or publishers alphbetically, and then refine them with filters.
- In the middle of the page is a search window, to look for a specific journal title and links to Browse by Journal, Browse by Category, Browse by Publisher, and Browse by Country/Region..
Browse by Journal

- Clicking the Filter drop down give the options for limiting the journals displayed.

- InCites Journal Citation Reports is Clarivate Analytics' product for journal evaluation based on citation analysis. (For more information, see the training guide at http://clarivate.libguides.com/jcr.
- Above is a screen generated by clicking on the Browse by Journal liicon Note the default listing of all indexed journals in alphabetical order.
- Note that there are separate databases for science (including engineering and medicine) and social science journals. See the Select Edition radio buttons in the left-hand column.
- Note also that statistics are generated on a yearly basis, with data generally becoming available in the 3rd quarter of the following year. We currently have access to the 1997-2019 data. The 2020 data should become available around August, 2021. The default is the most recent year. Use the Select JRC Year drop-down menu to select other years.
- You may view groups of journals by subject category, publisher or country of origin, or search for specific journals, or view all journals. See the drop-down menus in the left-hand column. You may select multiple categories, publishers, etc. Also in the left-hand column are options to see journal title changes since the previous year, view open access journals only, or switch from Web of Science journal subject categories to Essential Science Indicators categories.
- You can specify ranges of journals to display. Click on the arrow next to the desired filter, and a search window will open for that parameter. Filters include:
- Journal (title),
- ISSN or eISSN,
- Categories (subjects)
- Publishers,
- Country/Region,
- Citation Indexes (in which the journal is listed),
- Citation Report Year (currently available, 1997-2022),
- Open Access (lets you search by the percentage of open access articles published in the journal)
- Impact Factor Quartile
- Impact Factor Range
- Journal Citation Indicator Quartile
- Journal Citation Indicator Range
- When you select any limiting option on the left-hand side, you must then click the Submit button at the bottom of the column to have it take effect. The Clear button clears all the selected filters, and returns to the default settings.
- On the right hand side above the table are options for which parameters will be displayed in the table. Also note that some of the parameter allow you to sort the table by clicking on the header.
- Customize Indicators lets you select which of the metrics will display in the table of journals or categories. See below.

Individual Journal Profile

- r
ofile gives the full journal title, ISSN, publisher information, standard title abbreviations, subject categories, language of publication, frequency of publication, and links to the journal's table of contents and to the Ulrich's serials information on the journal.
- Note that the default display is for the current years data. However, you can select the two preceding years, or all available years.
- Note the definitions of the Journal Impact Factor ((JIF) and the Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) .
- Note the extensive data on Open Access publication in the journal.
- Below that are the Journal Rankings by JIF and JCI; Citation Network information, including cite/citing half-lives and which journals cite/are cited by this one; Source Data; Content by organizations and country/region; and Additional Metrics, such as Eigenfactor (with definitions.
Browse Categories
Browsing journals by subject category is a useful way to compare impact factors of journals in the same area. Note that these subject categories are the same ones used to categorize journls in Web of Science.

Clicking on a group heading displays a list of all the subject categories in that group.

Clicking on an individual subject category take you through to the list of journals in that category.

- Note that there are separate category lists for JIF and JCI. The JIF list includes more established journals indexed in the main Web of Science database. The JCI list includes journals from the Emerging Citation Index database.
- The journal tables gerated from the category browse have the same features for filtering, sorthing and sleecting field display as in the browse by journal example.
© 2025 Charles F. Huber

This work by Charles F. Huber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at guides.library.ucsb.edu
Screenshots of Journal Citation Reports are copyright © 20120 by Clarivate Analytics and are used under fair use for educational purposes only.