formerly known as Biography Resource Center
Encyclopedias are a great starting point. They provide background information.
Reference collections are a great place to start your research. You can get lots of background information from encyclopedias or official definitions from dictionaries. They have been thoroughly researched and vetted by scholars and, if worth their salt, include helpful citations and bibliographies. (Unlike a lot of information you find online!)
The titles on this page give you an idea of the vast array of topics covered. If you don't see one relevant to your area of interest, no worries, just go to our Library Catalog and do a search. Whatever it is that you are looking for, chances are, we have it here in the UCSB Library. So before you get your Google on, come down to the Reference Section and check out some serious scholarship. Or ASK A LIBRARIAN to recommend one. It may take a little longer to look things up (minutes rather than seconds), but the quality of the information will more than make up for it!
As always, I am available for assistance should you discover you want some!