Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution
The Cullman Library holds the Smithsonian's collection of rare books in anthropology and the natural sciences. Its world-class collection contains approximately 10,000 volumes published before 1840 in the fields of physical and cultural anthropology, ethnology, Native American linguistics, and archeology; botany; ornithology, mammalogy, herpetology, ichthyology, entomology, malacology, and other zoological fields; paleontology; and geology and mineralogy.
Part of the Smithsonian Institution this museum and research complex contain information on the array of programs exhibits and collections about the world.
Max Planck Institute of Physical Anthropology and Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
These two institutes are part of the German research institute, the Max Planck Society.
School for Advanced Research (at Santa Fe, New Mexico)
The School for Advanced Research, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was established in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1907 as a center for the study of the archaeology and ethnology of the American Southwest. Since 1967, the scope of the School's activities has embraced a global perspective through programs to encourage advanced scholarship in anthropology and related social science disciplines and the humanities, and to facilitate the work of Native American scholars and artists.
The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. is a private operating Foundation that is dedicated to the advancement of anthropology throughout the world. Through programs of funding for research projects, conferences, symposia, fellowships, and publication, the Foundation aids basic research in all branches of anthropology and closely related disciplines concerned with human origins, development and variation.
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Founded in 1902, AAA is the world's largest organization of individuals interested in anthropology.
Royal Anthropological Institute
The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAI) is the world's longest-established scholarly association dedicated to the furtherance of anthropology (the study of humankind) in its broadest and most inclusive sense. The Institute is a non-profit-making registered charity and is entirely independent, with a Director and a small staff accountable to the Council, which in turn is elected annually from the Fellowship. It has a Royal Patron in the person of HRH The Duke of Gloucester KG, GCVO.
Center for a Public Anthropology
"This website represents the public face of the Center for a Public Anthropology. The Center is a non-profit – or 501 (c)(3) in the U.S. tax code – that encourages scholars and their students to address public problems in public ways. As website’s logo affirms, the Center fosters accountability or more precisely social accountability in higher education. Phrased another way, the Center seeks to encourage academics to move beyond the traditional “do no harm” ethos of funded research to one that strives to do good, to one that focuses on helping others." (from the center's website)