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Government Information (United States): Executive Branch

Resources for United States Government Information at UCSB Library

UC Library Search


Library Catalog: Finding Government Information

You can find government documents in the UC Library Search and in WorldCat. Use Basic Search to look up books/materials by:

  • Keyword
  • Title or Author (This works best if you already have a citation and want to see if the Libraries own it.)

Use Advanced Search to look up materials by:

  • Location (choose Government Information)
  • Format (Book vs Online Resource, etc.)
  • Multiple Keywords 
  • ...and much, much more!

Government Information Orientation

UCSB Library, like most academic libraries, follows the Library of Congress Classification System for many of its collections. The LC system arranges books/materials by subject. 

The Government Information collections are organized following different systems: Superintendent of Documents (sudocs) Classification (printable guide) for U.S. government publications, and a variation known as California Documents (caldocs) Classification for publications from the State of California. 

Remember, if you're having trouble finding something on the shelf, we're here to help! Stop by the Services desk or Ask a Librarian for help with finding what you need.

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