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Art and Architecture: Iconography Resources

Resources in Art and Architecture

Iconography Resources

  • The Continuum Encyclopedia of Native Art: Worldview, Symbolism, and Culture in Africa, Oceana, and Native North America
    • Reference E98.A7 W49 2000
    • Entries on iconographic subjects and symbols such as animals, deity archetypes, natural phenomena, and patterns
  • Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art
    • Reference N7560.H34 2008
    • Provides background on subjects and their depictions in Western Art
  • Flammarion Iconographic Guides
    • Provides brief histories of subjects and their sources
    • Descriptive examples of representations in art, often with an illustration
    • Gods and Heroes of Classical Antiquity
      • Art & Architecture Collection N7760.A34 1996
    • The Bible and the Saints
      • Reference N7825.D8413 1994
    • Buddhism
      • Reference N8193.L68 1995
  • Guide to Imagery
    • Gods and Heroes in Art
      • Reference N7760.I4713 2003
    • Old Testament Figures in Art
      • Reference N8020.D4 2003
    • Gospel Figures in Art
      • Reference N8030.Z8413 2003
    • Saints in Art
      • Reference ND1430.G5513 2003
  •   Iconographic Index to New Testament Subjects
    • Reference ND1430.R6 1992
  • Iconographic Index to Old Testament Subjects
    • Reference ND1430.R63 1987
    • Extensive list of examples of biblical subjects depicted in paintings
    • Primarily Italian and other European objects, without explanation of subject matter or references to locations of reproductions
  • Ikonographie der christlichen Kunst 
    • Reference N7830.S35
      • Recommended for more advanced, comprehensive research
  • Illustrated Dictionary of Symbols in Eastern and Western Art
    • Reference N7740.H17 1994
    • Geographic scope includes ancient Egypt and Near East (Mesopotamia), India, and the Far East
  • The Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s
    • Reference NX650.M9 R45 1993
    • Summary of subjects
    • References to classical literary sources
    • Chronological examples of the subjects in all the arts

Primary Source Materials for Iconography

  • Ovid's Metamorphoses
  • Legenda Aurea
    • Also known as the Golden Legend of Jacobus de Voragine BX4654.J3
    • Internet Medieval Sourcebook
      • English translation printed by Willaim Caxton in 1483
      • Free web resource
  • Iconologia
    • Cesare Ripa's manual, editions available N7740.R5
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