According to the Efficiency and Standards for Article Charges initiative, Transformative agreements are contracts negotiated between institutions (libraries, national and regional consortia) and publishers that transform the business model underlying scholarly journal publishing from one based on subscriptions to one based on Article Processing Charges (APCs) that are paid by funders, authors, or authors' their institutions.
The University of California (UC) has developed a multi-payer model that combines library contributions with grant funding when possible. Authors without grant funding receive full financial support. The UC Office of Scholarly Communication webpage has existing transformative OA agreements that UC has negotiated with publishers and open access (OA) agreements with native OA publishers. Open access agreements with native OA publishers are intended to make your choice to publish with an OA publisher an attractive and affordable option. On the agreement web pages, you will find agreement basics, article payment processes, FAQs, and related resources.
Articles published in a fully open access journal that is covered under one of the UC open access agreements with publishers are not eligible for support through the UCSB Open Access Publishing Fund since the UC libraries consortium already provides a subvention or covers the full cost of publishing in those journals.