What are Preprints? - "A preprint is a version of a scientific manuscript posted on a public server prior to formal peer review. As soon as it’s posted, your preprint becomes a permanent part of the scientific record, citable with its own unique DOI. By sharing early, you can accelerate the speed at which science moves forward." (from PLoS, the Public Library of Science)
Unlike journal articles, preprint papers are NOT subject to pre-publication peer review, though some preprint servers do allow readers to comment on papers, providing post-publication evaluation.
Preprint server for chemistry and related sciences, operated jointly by the American Chemical Society, Chemical Society of Japan, Chinese Chemical Society, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker and the Royal Society of Chemistry. All articles may be freely downloaded.
Hosts preprints in the areas of electrochemistry and solid state and interface science and technology.
Free, open access source of unpublished preprints across the agricultural sciences. Hosted and managed by CABI (cabi.org), an international, inter-governmental, not-for-profit organization that improves people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.
Preprint server for the life sciences. Serves as a freely accessible preprint publishing venue. Accepts papers in the following subject ares: biochemistry, bioengineering, bioinformatics, cancer biology, cell biology, developmental biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, genetics, genomics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, molecular medicine, neurobiology, paleontology, pathology, physiology, plant biology, scientific communication, synthetic biology, systems biology and zoology.
Hosts preprint papers focusing on Ecology, Evolution and Conservation.
An open-access preprint system for the Earth Sciences. Scientists use preprint systems to share their work with their peers prior to publication. Preprints are citable and shareable immediately after submission. Sharing a preprint maintains enthusiasm about the research and leads to helpful feedback, which makes the ultimate submission to a peer-reviewed journal better.
An open access host for preprint papers and posters in all areas of earth and space science, including meteorology and climatology, geochemistry, geophysics, oceanography, planetology, solar system physics and more.
An open access preprint server for all areas of engineering. Articles may be submitted free of charge; all published articles may be downloaded free of charge.
An open, moderated preprint server for unpublished research in electrical engineering, computer science, and related technology. Authors can quickly disseminate their work to a wide audience and gain community feedback on a draft version of their research.