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Instructional Resources for Library Instructors: Embed UCSB Library Chat in GS

Embedding UCSB Library Chat in GauchoSpace

UCSB Library's Chat service can now be accessed by students and instructors directly in GauchoSpace! The widget is now displayed on the GauchoSpace landing page for all students and instructors. If an instructor wishes to add the chat widget into their course as well, you can provide them with the directions below OR ask them to add you to the course as a "Librarian" to add the widget yourself. 

Librarian Role in GauchoSpace

*NEW* as of Spring 2020 - "Librarian" role in GauchoSpace

There is a new role in GauchoSpace titled, "Librarian." The functionality of this role is the same as a "Course Helper" where a user can upload materials and help manage the site, but they do not have access to the gradebook.


To be added to a course site with this role, contact the instructor of record, and if needed, provide the following directions: 

Please add me to your GauchoSpace site with the "Librarian" role. To add me to your course, select "Add User/Assign Roles" in the UCSB Course Tool block. On the Manual Enrollments page, type my name into the search box on the bottom right. My name, identification number, and email should show in the box on the right. Select my name and assign me the role of "Librarian" from the dropdown list in the middle. Select "Add" to finish. 

Instructions from Collaborate

Step 1. Log in to GauchoSpace and navigate to your course site. 

Step 2. Click Turn Editing On 

Step 3. Scroll down to the "Add a Block" block on the lower right side of the browser window

Step 4. Click the Add... drop-down menu

Circled location of the "Add a Block" section on GauchoSpace on the lower, right-side of the browser window.


Step 5. Select UCSB Resources

Step 6. Selecting UCSB Resources adds a block titled "GauchoGoals." Click the gear icon in the block and select Configure (new HTML block) block

Step 7. Add a Title, uncheck the box for "GauchoGoals" and check the box for "UCSB Library," then click Save

Screenshot of the "Configure a UCSB Resource Block" where "UCSB Library" option is checked.


Considerations for Chat vs Forums

Keep in mind that if you are offering a GauchoSpace Forum as well as embedding UCSB Library's chat widget, it will be important to distinguish for students how these two functions are different from one another. 

GauchoSpace Forum - A space to receive research help from a UCSB Librarian. The forum will be monitored for a preselected period of time and responses will be given to students asynchronously.

UCSB Library Chat - A space to receive research help from a Librarian, but not always a UCSB Librarian. The chat service is available to students for synchronous help 24/7.