Asynchronous class content delivered through the institution's learning management system, GauchoSpace. Students view prerecorded lectures independently and can revisit the recording at any time. Recorded lectures enable you to enrich the online classroom experience with descriptions, visuals, and demonstrations. You will use a webcam, microphone, the Panopto software to create your recording, server space on GauchoCast to store your recording, and GauchoSpace to make your recording accessible to the students.
Panopto is a software that can be used to record audio, video, as well as visuals, such as slides or live windows.
GauchoCast is a UCSB streaming server where you can upload, store, and link to the final recording you made in Panopto.
GauchoSpace is the learning management system at UCSB where students will be able to view your recorded lecture.
Directions to install required software, record the lecture, and share the recording:
Step 1. Go to the GauchoCast Support website to download the recorder:
Step 2. Login to GauchoCast. A dropdown menu will appear when you click the "Login" button. Choose "GauchoSpace" in this dropdown list, then login with your UCSB NetID and password.
Step 3. Download and install Panopto. This download link is available under your name in the top-right corner of the screen.
Step 4. After downloading Panopto, navigate back to GauchoCast and select the "Create" option next to the search box and choose, "Record a new session."
Step 5. Select the option to "Open Panopto." The application will open for you to begin recording your lecture.
Reminder: Make sure to have a transcript of the lecture or captions available if you are demonstrating a tool.
Video Tutorial: Record a Video in Panopto (4:27mins) - Start the video at 0:54
Step 6. After you have completed your recording in Panopto, navigate back to GauchoCast and select "My Folder" from the menu on the left-side of your screen.
Step 7. Select the recording you would like to share or embed, then choose "Share."
Step 8. View the "Who has access" option and select "Anyone with the link" can view your recording.
Step 9. Copy the link URL or the embed code to share your recording.
Step 10. Send the link or the embed code to the instructor of record OR request to be added to the course GauchoSpace site as a "Librarian" to add the link or embed code yourself. If you have a transcript, you can add it to GauchoSpace as well.
Helpful Links:
*NEW* as of Spring 2020 - "Librarian" role in GauchoSpace
There is a new role in GauchoSpace titled, "Librarian." The functionality of this role is the same as a "Course Helper" where a user can upload materials and help manage the site, but they do not have access to the gradebook.
To be added to a course site with this role, contact the instructor of record, and if needed, provide the following directions:
Please add me to your GauchoSpace site with the "Librarian" role. To add me to your course, select "Add User/Assign Roles" in the UCSB Course Tool block. On the Manual Enrollments page, type my name into the search box on the bottom right. My name, identification number, and email should show in the box on the right. Select my name and assign me the role of "Librarian" from the dropdown list in the middle. Select "Add" to finish.
1. Always have a transcript and provide it to your students.
2. If you demonstrate how to use a tool in the recording, include the descriptions of these steps in the transcript as well.
3. Determine how the lecture can be segmented for reuse and different applications to other courses.
4. It is better to have multiple short lectures than one long one!