To search by course number, use the 4-letter department code followed by the 3-digit course number (eg. EEMB143).
Alphabetical list of department codes:
Click the letter to expand
Code | Department |
ANTH | Anthropology |
ARAB | Arabic |
ARTH | Art History |
ARTS | Arts |
ASIA | Asian American Studies |
ASTR | Astronomy |
Code | Department |
BIOM | Biomolecular Science and Engineering |
BLAC | Black Studies |
Code | Department |
CHEE | Chemical Engineering |
CHEM | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
CHIC | Chicana and Chicano Studies |
CHIN | Chinese |
CLAS | Classics |
COML | Comparative Literature |
COMM | Communication |
COUN | Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology |
CREA | Creative Studies |
Code | Department |
DANC | Dance |
Code | Department |
EART | Earth Sciences and Geological Sciences |
EAST | East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies |
ECEN | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
ECON | Economics |
EEMB | Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology |
ENGL | English |
ENGR | Engineering Sciences |
ENVI | Environmental Studies |
ESMA | Environmental Science and Management |
ESSR | Exercise and Sports Studies |
Code | Department |
FEMI | Feminist Studies |
FILM | Film Studies |
FREN | French |
FRES | Freshman Seminars |
Code | Department |
GEOG | Geography |
GERM | German |
GLOB | Global Studies |
GPSP | Global Peace and Security Program |
GREE | Greek |
Code | Department |
HEBR | Hebrew |
HIST | History |
Code | Department |
INTE | Interdisciplinary Studies |
ITAL | Italian |
Code | Department |
JAPA | Japanese |
Code | Department |
KORE | Korean |
Code | Department |
LAIS | Latin American and Iberian Studies |
LATI | Latin |
LAWS | Law and Society |
LING | Linguistics |
Code | Department |
MATE | Materials |
MATH | Mathematics |
MCDB | Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology |
MECH | Mechanical and Environmental Engineering |
MEDA | Media Arts and Technology |
MEDI | Medieval Studies |
MIDD | Middle East Studies |
MILI | Military Sciences |
MUSI | Music |
Code | Department |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHYS | Physics |
POLI | Political Science |
PORT | Portuguese |
PSYC | Psychological and Brain Science |
Code | Department |
REFE | Reference |
RELI | Religious Studies |
RENA | Renaissance Studies |
RUSS | Russian |
Code | Department |
SCAN | Scandinavian Studies |
SEMI | Semitic Languages |
SLAV | Slavic |
SOCI | Sociology |
SPAN | Spanish |
STAT | Statistics and Applied Probability |
SWED | Swedish |
Code | Department |
TECH | Technology Management Program |
THEA | Theater |
Code | Department |
WRIT | Writing Program |
Course Reserves are course materials (textbooks, articles or book chapters, etc.) that your instructor has placed on reserve in the UCSB Library. Physical copies of material have a shorter due date than the books in the circulating collection. Read more about course reserves here:
If you know the book title, click on the Course Reserves title, then type the tile in the search box.
If the Course Reserve does not appear at the top of the list, select Course Reserves from the options and click on the magnifying glass search icon.
If you know the course number, search for it by using the four digit department code, followed by the three to four digit course number.
If the Course Reserve does not appear at the top of the list, select Course Reserves from the options and click on the magnifying glass search icon.
The call number of the Course Reserve is displayed at the bottom of the record, you will need the call number when you ask for this book at the Services Desk. To learn more about this book, click on the title for more information.
If you know your professor's name, search for it by using last name, first name.
If the Course Reserve does not appear at the top of the list, select Course Reserves from the options and click on the magnifying glass search icon.
The call number of the Course Reserve is displayed at the bottom of the record, you will need the call number when you ask for this book at the Services Desk. To learn more about this book, click on the title for more information.