Your Access Card is your basic ID card for the University. The Access card is required to gain entrance during late-night study hours.
This card also serves as your library card for checking out materials, whether at the Services Desk, or at one of the self-checkout machines.
Your graduate student Access Card works with the card reader at the Library's West Paseo entrance to gain Late Night Study access to the building. It also works with the card readers for access into the Graduate Study Lounges located on the 2nd and 8th floors.
Your library card number is located beneath the barcode on your Access card. The library card number is used for requesting books through InterLibrary Loan.
For more information about Access Cards, see: Access Card - Your Campus Credentials
The UCSBnetID is used as your authentication for most electronic services on campus, including GOLD, U-mail, and GauchoSpace.
In the Library, your UCSBnetID is used for:
For more information on these services, see the boxes below.
For assistance with your UCSBnetID, contact Identity and Access Management.
Request an item directly from UC Library Search or a database (FASTEST service):
Wireless Internet Access (Wi-Fi) in the UCSB Library is provided through the campus wireless network. Students use their UCSBnetIDs and passwords for wireless access.
For information on using the wireless network in the Library, see: Wireless Internet Access (Wi-Fi) on the UCSB Library website.
Most of the electronic databases, e-books and e-journals provided by the UCSB Library are restricted to on-campus use by our contracts with their publishers. However, current UCSB students, faculty, and staff can access these materials off-campus by using the proxy server or campus Pulse VPN. Both of these tools route your communications through a campus server to the electronic resource desired.
Most links from our databases lists, research guides, and UC Library Search are configured to automatically detect if you are off-campus and will prompt you to log into the proxy server with your UCSBnetID and password automatically.
You can also log into the proxy server ahead of time from the Login drop-down on the Library home page.
You can also install the Off-Campus Access Bookmark Tool on your web browser for easy login.
To use the campus Pulse VPN, see: Using the VPN for Accessing the Library Databases