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Introduction to the UCSB Library for STEM Graduate Students: Makerspace

An introduction to the facilities and services of the UCSB Library aimed at new graduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathemtics (STEM) disciplines.

UCSB Library Makerspace

The UCSB Makerspace is an interdisciplinary experiential learning environment that fosters problem-solving, innovation, and risk-taking. We offer access to high-quality fabrication tools, in-depth instruction, and peer support on rapid prototyping and iterative design processes. Within our dynamic community workspace, learners develop leadership and collaboration skills while transforming their creative visions into reality.

The Makerspace is open to UCSB students, faculty, and staff. We support all creative endeavors regardless of whether they are academic, research, or personal explorations.

For more information, see:

Makerspace homepage

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