WorldCat Discovery @UCSB is a way to find books and other materials located in libraries outside the UC System.
You can search for library resources with Hebrew characters, but sometimes the best way to access a specific book written in Hebrew or other non-Latin alphabets in the library catalog is to search using a transliterated (or romanized) form of the title.
There are several transliteration schemes available, but all libraries in the United States follow those established by the Library of Congress and the American Library Association.
BM Judaism
BS 701-1830 Hebrew Bible
D 804.3 World War II
D 802-810 Holocaust studies
DD 253 Jews in Germany
DS 101-151 Israel /Palestine/ The Jews
E 184 J5 Jews in the U.S.
F 106 J5 Jews in Canada
F 1419 Jews in Latin America
GR 98 Jewish folk literature
HQ 1172 Jewish women
JQ 1830 Israel Politics & government
ML 3195 Jewish Vocal Music
PJ 4501-5192 Hebrew and Yiddish language & literature