General Assembly: A/session/PV.meeting# | [ex.: A/46/PV.79 is the 79th meeting of the 46th session] |
1st Committee: A/C.1/session/PV.meeting# | 5th Committee: A/C.5/session/SR.meeting# |
2nd Committee: A/C.2/session/SR.meeting# | 6th Committee: A/C.6/session/SR.meeting# |
3rd Committee: A/C.3/session/SR.meeting# | General Committee: BUR/session/SR.meeting# |
4th Committee: A/C.4/session/SR.meeting# | Special Political Committee: /SPC/session/SR.meeting# |
Security Council: S/PV.meeting# | Economic & Social Council: E/year/SR.meeting# |
Resolutions by topic may be identified using the Documents systems above.
Resolutions are also in the United Nations Documents microform collection, filed by document number:
Voting Records
An unofficial record of the vote on a resolution or decision is included in the press release that comes out after each meeting. The official vote is included in the meeting record of the meeting in which it was passed (see meeting records above). Many votes are not recorded, while for others only summary information is given (i.e., vote totals, but not by country).
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