EDItEUR, the Pan-European Book Sector EDI Group, was set up following a meeting held inFrankfurt in October 1991. More than 50 publishers, booksellers and librarians from 10 countries agreed on the need for international collaboration on the development and promotion of EDIFACT-based standards for electronic communication in the European book sector.
As its name implies, the International Commission on Illumination - abbreviated as CIE from its French title CommissionInternationale de l'Eclairage - is an organization devoted to international cooperation and exchange of information among its member countries on all matters relating to the science and art of lighting.
INCITS is a forum for the creation of information techology standards sponsored by the Information Techology Industry Council, and accredited by ANSI. Standards may be purchased directly from INCITS, or from ANSI.
"The object of the Commission is to promote international co-operation on all questions of standardization and related mattersin the fields of electrical and electronic engineering and thus to promote international understanding." (Statutes - Art. 2) The site has a searchable database of standards, and standards may be ordered online.
Web server for the International Federation for Information Processing, which is a multinational federation of professional and technical organizations (or national groupings of such organizations) concerned with information processing.
The IMTC is a non-profit corporation founded to promote the creation and adoption of international standards for multipoint document and video teleconferencing. The IMTC and its members promote a Standards First initiative to guarantee interworking for all aspects of multimedia teleconferencing. The organization is open to all who support its goals.
The ITU is a world-wide organization within which governments and the private sector coordinate the establishment and operation of telecommunication networks and services; it is responsible for the regulation, standardization, coordination and development of international telecommunications as well as the harmonization of national policies. The ITU is an agency of the United Nations.