Technical reports in the Government Information collection are filed three different ways, by Report number, Accession number, or SuDoc number.
Technical report numbers at UCSB Library |
Report # |
Accession # |
SuDoc #
Dept of Energy |
BNL-33019 |
DE 83 -015199 |
E 1.28: 33019
Dept of Defense |
WES-TR-EL-85-1 |
AD-A 156986 |
D 103.24/2: EL-85-1
NASA-TM-77838 |
N85- 28262 |
NAS 1.15: 77838
EPA 600/2-80-009 |
PB80- 190234 |
EP 1.23: 600/2-80-009 |
The UCSB Library is a federal depository, and collects technical reports from several federal agencies. We have been an Atomic Energy Commission depository since 1963; from 1963 – 1996, our collection of reports from AEC, ERDA, and DOE is comprehensive. We have selected reports from NTIS, and access to many NTIS reports from the California State Library.
As most of the technical report collection is not listed in our Library catalog, please contact a librarian for assistance in locating reports.