The Technical Reports topic guide contains resources for locating and accessing technical reports issued by a wide range of United States government agencies.
Technical reports include research conducted by government and educational agencies, in association with government agencies, or using federal funds. This page contains links to web sources of technical report literature and offers advice on how to obtain technical report literature in hard copy at both UCSB and elsewhere. Most publications owned by UCSB are located in the Government Information collection of the Library, but technical reports are kept in off-site storage.
The UCSB Library is a federal depository, and collects technical reports from several federal agencies. We have been an Atomic Energy Commission depository since 1963; from 1963–1996, our reports from AEC, ERDA, and DOE are comprehensive. We have selected reports from NTIS, and access to many NTIS reports from the California State Library.
Most of the collection is not cataloged; please contact the library technical reports specialist (contact information on the right hand side of the page.)