For more information on CSE citation formats, consult:
Council of Science Editors, Style Manual Committee. 2014. Scientific style and format: The CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers. 8th ed. Chicago: The Council; 2014. Reference T11 S386 2014 [Non-circulating]
More examples:
From the University of Wisconsin
The American Chemical Society's guide for authors of ACS journal articles, The ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication is now available to UCSB users. It covers many issues of scientific communication and writing style in addition to the ACS Citation style.
The ACS Style Quick Guide is available free online.
For the previous edition, print version, see:
Coghill, Anne M. and Lorrin R. Garson (eds). 2006. The ACS style guide: Effective communication of scientific information. 3rd ed. Washington DC: American Chemical Society. Reference QD8.5 A25 2006 [Non-circulating]
More examples of the 3rd edition style:
Patrias, K. Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers [Internet]. 2nd ed. Wendling, DL, technical editor. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007 [updated 2009 Jan 14; insert Year Month Day]. Available from: