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Classics: Reference Sources

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Reference Sources

Jenkins, Fred. W. Classical Studies: A Guide to the Reference Literature. 2d ed. 2006.
- Main Library, Reference PA91.J4 2006

Whitaker, Graham. Bibliographical Guide to Classical Studies. 5 volumes to date.
- Main Library PA91.W47 1997

Halton, Thomas P.; Classical Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography. 1986.
- Main Library, Refence DE59.H34 1986

Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung. (ANRW).
[Use UCSB Library Search, and do a Library Catalog search for the Title 'Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt.']
Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter 1972- over 70 vols., to date
- ANRW is a survey of Roman Studies in the broadest sense, and includes the history of the reception and influence of the Roman Culture. ANRW's aim is to present all important aspects of the ancient Roman world, as well as its legacy and continued influence in medieval and modern times. The work is divided into three parts:

I. From the Origins of Rome to the End of the Republic
II. The Principate
III. Late Antiquity

Each part consists of six systematic sections, which occasionally overlap: 1. Political History, 2. Law, 3. Religion, 4. Language and Literature, 5. Philosophy and the Sciences, 6. The Arts.
- Available in print at Main Library, DG209.T36

Index to ANRW
Table of Contents to ANRW

Bowersock, G. W., et al., eds. Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Postclassical World.
-Main Library, Reference DE5.L29 1999

Cancik, Hubert, and Helmuth Schneider, eds. Der Neue Pauly: Enzyklopädie der Antike. 16 vols.
-Main Library DE5.N48 1996

Cancik, Hubert, and Helmuth Schneider, eds. Der Neue Pauly: Supplemente
-Main Library DE5.N48 1996 Suppl

Cotterell, Arthur, ed. Penguin Encyclopedia of Classical Civilizations.
-Main Library CB9.P46 1995

De Grummond, Nancy Thomson. An Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archaeology. 2 vols.
-Main Library DE5.E5 1996

Grant, Michael, and Rachel Kitzinger, eds. Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome. 3 vols.
-Main Library, Reference DE59.C55 1988 

Hornblower, S., and A. Spawforth, eds. Oxford Classical Dictionary. 3rd ed. rev.
-Main Library DE5.O9 2003

Klauser, Theodor, ed.  Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum: Sachwörterbuch zur Auseinandersetzung des Christentums mit der antiken Welt
-Main Library BR131.R4

Lexikon der alten Welt.
-Main Library, Reference D54.L4

Pauly, August Friedrich von. Pauly's Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. 1893-1974. 59 vols.
-Main Library DE5.P3

Stillwell, Richard, et al., eds. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites.
-Main Library, Reference DE59.P7

Bauer and Danker. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian literature. 3rd ed.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
- Main Library PA881.B38 2000

Ernout and Meillet. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine: Histoire des mots. 4th ed.
Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1960.
- Main Library PA2342.E7 1960

Frisk.  Griechisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch.
Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1960-72.
- Frisk is the standard etymological dictionary for the Greek language.
- Main Library PA422.F7 v.1-3 (recall from UC Southern Regional Library Facility)

Glare. Oxford Latin Dictionary. 2nd. ed.
Oxford; London: Clarendon, 1982. v.1-2
- Main Library, Reference PA2365.E5 O9 1982

Lampe. Patristic Greek Lexicon.
Oxford: Clarendon, 1961.
- Serves as a companion volume to the 9th ed. of Liddell and Scott, Greek-English Lexicon (below), which excludes post-biblical Christian writers.
- Main Library, Reference PA881.L3

Lewis and Short. A Latin Dictionary. Founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin Dictionary, revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten. 
Oxford: Clarendon, 1879.
- Although the Oxford Latin Dictionary (above) is most often preferred, Lewis and Short cover the entire classical period, from the beginnings of Latin literature, to the fourth century A.D.
- Main Library, Reference PA2365.E5 A7 1879c

Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Lexicon. 9th ed.
Oxford: Clarendon; New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
- An online version of the 7th ed. of the Greek-English Lexicon (1883), is available.
- Main Library PA 445.E5 L6 1996 

Montanari. The Brill dictionary of ancient Greek
Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2015.
- Main Library, Reference PA445.E5 M66 2015 

Souter. Glossary of Later Latin to 600 A.D.  
Oxford: Clarendon, 1949.
- Compiled to span the gap between the Oxford Latin Dictionary's coverage and the beginning of the medieval period.
- Main Library PA2365.E5 S6

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. (TLG)
Irvine: University of California, Irvine, 2001-
- A database of ancient Greek literature, the TLG digital library now contains virtually all ancient Greek texts surviving from the period between Homer (8th century B.C.) and A.D. 600, and a large number of texts deriving from the period between A.D. 600 and 1453.

Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. (TLL)
Berlin; New York: De Gruyter 2007-<2018>
- "The Thesaurus is intended to cover Latin in full from the beginnings to the Antonine age, with selective coverage extending up to the seventh century A.D. Individual scholars prepare the entry for each word; all articles are signed. Entries discuss forms, gender, and, when appropriate, vowel quantities. The then give the full history of the word. The treatment is exhaustive; each entry includes a massive number of examples and citations. The TLL is the best and fullest source available for the study of Latin lexicography."
(Jenkins. Classical Studies: A Guide to the Reference Literature, 2nd ed. 2006, 520)
- Also available in print at Main Library Oversize PA2361.T5

Walde. Lateinisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. 4th ed.
Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1964-65.
- Main Library PA2342.W3, v.1-2 & suppl. (recall from UC Southern Regional Library Facility)

Woodhouse. English-Greek Dictionary: A Vocabulary of the Attic Language
London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971.
- Main Library, Reference PA445.E5 W6 1971

Hammond, Nicholas G. L., ed. Atlas of the Greek and Roman World in Antiquity.
- Main Library, Sciences & Engineering, Oversize G1033.A84 1981

Haselberger, L., D. G. Romano, and E. A. Dumser. Mapping Augustan Rome.
- Main Library, Sciences & Engineering GA895.R7 M37 2002

Haywood, John, ed. The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Civilizations.
- Main Library, Sciences & Engineering G1033.H39 2005

Historischer Atlas der antiken Welt. Vol. 3 of Der neue Pauly, Supplemente.
- Main Library DE5.N48 1996 Suppl v.3

Talbert, Richard J. A., et al., eds. Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World.
- Main Library, Reference G1033.B3 2000

Van der Heyden, A. A. M., and H. H. Scullard, eds. Atlas of the Classical World.
- Main Library, Sciences & Engineering G1033.H4 1960


Bowder, Diana. Who Was Who in the Greek World, 776 B.C.-30 B.C. 1982
- Main Library DF208.W48 1982b

Bowder, Diana. Who Was Who in the Roman World, 753 B.C.-A.D. 476. 1980
- Main Library DG203.W46 1980

Brill's New Pauly.

Broughton, T. R. S. Magistrates of the Roman Republic (MRR). 3 vols. 1951-52; rpt. 1984.
- Main Library DG83.5.A1 B73 1984

Fraser, P. M., and E. Matthews. A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. 5 vols. 1987-2005.
- Main Library CS2349.L48 1987

Grant, Michael. Greek and Latin Authors, 800 B.C.-A.D.1000. 1980.
- Main Library PA31.G7

Jones, A. H. M., J. R. Martindale, and J. Morris. The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. 3 vols. 1971-1992.
- Main Library DG203.5.J6

Kirchner, Johannes. Prosopographia Attica. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 1966.
- Main Library DF209.5.K5 1966

Lightman, Marjorie and Benjamin Lightman. A to Z of Ancient Greek and Roman Women. Rev. ed. 2008.
- Main Library, Feminist Studies HQ1136.L54 2008

Prosopographia Imperii Romani Saec. I. II. III. 2nd ed. Multivolume.  1933- .
- Main Library DG203.5.P7 1933

Radice, Betty. Who's Who in the Ancient World. 1971.
- Main Library DE7.R33 1971

Richter, Gisela M. A. The Portraits of the Greeks. 3 vols. and suppl. 1965-1972.
- Main Library, Art & Architecture N7586.R52



Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World: Ancient History (series)
- Call numbers vary

Boardman, John, et al., eds. Oxford History of the Classical World.
- Main Library DE59.O94 1986

Cambridge Ancient History. Editions vary. 14 vols.
- Main Library D57.C17 1970
- Contents: v. 1, pt. 1. Prolegomena and prehistory -- v. 1, pt. 2. Early history of the Middle East -- v. 2, pt. 2. History of the Middle East and the Aegean region, c. 1380-1000 B.C. -- v. 3, pt. 1. The Prehistory of the Balkans; and the Middle East and the Aegean World, tenth to eighth centuries B.C. 2d ed -- v. 3, pt. 2. The Assyrian and Babylonian empires and other states of the Near East, from the eighth to the sixth centuries B.C -- v. 3, pt. 3. The Expansion of the Greek World, eighth to sixth centuries B.C. --v. 4. Persia, Greece, and the western Mediterranean, c. 525 to 479 B.C. 2nd ed -- v. 5. The Fifth century B.C. -- v. 6. The Fourth century B.C. 2nd ed -- v. 7, pt. 1. The Hellenistic world 2nd ed -- v. 7, pt. 2. The Rise of Rome to 220 B.C. 2nd ed. -- v. 8. Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 B.C. 2nd ed. -- v. 9. The Last Age of the Roman Republic, 146-43 B.C. 2nd ed. -- v. 10. The Augustine Empire, 43 B.C.-A.D. 69. 2nd. ed.-- v. 11. The High empire, A.D. 70-192 -- v. 12. The Crisis of empire, A.D. 193-337 -- v. 13. The late empire, A.D. 337-425 -- v. 14. Late antiquity: Empire and successors, A.D. 425-600.


Bickermann, E. J. Chronology of the Ancient World. 2nd ed.
- Main Library D54.5.B5 1980b

Samuel, Alan E. Greek and Roman Chronology: Calendars and Years in Classical Antiquity.
- Main Library CE42.S3


Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World: Literature and Culture. (series)
Call numbers vary

Easterling, P. E., and B. M. W. Knox, eds. Greek Literature. Vol. 1 of Cambridge History of Classical Literature.
- Main Library PA3052.G73 1985

Kenney, E. J., and W. V. Clausen, eds. Latin Literature. Vol. 2 of Cambridge History of Classical Literature.
- Main Library PA6003.L3

Grimal, Pierre. Dictionary of Classical Mythology.
- Main Library, Reference BL715.G713 1986

Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC). 8 vols.
- Main Library, Reference NX 650.M9 L48

Reid, Jane Davidson. Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts.
- Main Library, Reference NX650.M9 R45 1963

Stapleton, Michael.  Illustrated Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology.  
- Main Library BL715.S7 1986c 

Tripp, Edward.  Crowell's Handbook of Classical Mythology.
- Main Library BL722.T7

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