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English: Poetry

Full-Text Poetry Databases


Poetry criticism is the comparison, analysis, interpretation, or evaluation of poetry and related literatures. Reading critical analyses of poetry can help you understand and interpret the work you are reading. 

Below is a very select list of reference works that provide background information and provide suggestions for further reading.

Biographies of Poets

Afro American Poets Since 1955 Ref PN141 D52 v.41
American Poets 1880-1945 Ref PN141 D52 v. 45, 54
American Poets Since World War II Ref PN141 D52 v. 5, 120, 165, 169, 193
American Women Writers Ref PS147 A42 2000
American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies Ref PS129 A55
The Beats Ref PN141 D52 v. 16
British Poets 1880-1914 Ref PN141 D52 v. 19
British Poets 1914-1945 Ref PN141 D52 v.20
British Romantic Poets 1789-1832 Ref PN141 D52 v. 93, 96
British Writers Ref PR85 B688
Contemporary Authors Ref CT100 C64
Dictionary of Literary Biography Ref PN141 D52
Longman Dictionary of Poets Ref PN1111 B6
Poets of Great Britain and Ireland Since 1960 Ref PN141 D52 v. 40
20th-Century Author Biographies Master Index Ref Z5304 A8 T83
Victorian Women Poets Ref PN141 D52 v. 199
Who's Who in 20th Century World Poetry Ref PN1271 W46 2000 
Poets: American and British   PS 303 P64 1998 v. 1


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