Limited (search only) Materials:
Full text is not available for materials which are under copyright protection or do not have the necessary permissions for open access. You can use the database to search for relevant materials and then use UC Library Search or WorldCat to locate those items in a library. All users can access bibliographic information about materials included in the repository without logging in.
Full View (public domain and open access) Materials:
Materials that are no longer protected by copyright or have the necessary permissions for open access are viewable to all users. Users with a UCSBnet ID and password may download the full text of Full View materials.
Logging In:
Click on the "Log in" link in the upper right-hand menu of the screen. Select "University of California, Santa Barbara" from the list of partners and click on the "Login" button. Enter your UCSBnet ID and password.
Perform a search and then browse through the results. When you click on a link for "Full View" you will be able to view the full text. To download the entire book, click on "Download PDF – whole book" and you will see the "Login" link in the pop-up box that comes up. Log in as described above.
Creating Collections:
Logged-in users can create personal "collections" for private or public use by selecting records from search results and then grouping them into a collection. These collections can be saved for subsequent use and may be shared with and accessed by others.
Access to thousands of the UCSB Library's purchased ebooks via ProQuest Ebook Central. Search across all full text content or within an individual book. With a free personal account, provides the ability to highlight, annotate, and save titles to a bookshelf. Includes books formerly available through ebrary.
UCSB-purchased books from EBSCOhost's collection of reference, academic, general interest and professional electronic books, plus the EBSCOhost public domain collection.
Allows searching of articles from Cambridge University Press electronic journals. Includes electronic books and reference materials that we have selectively purchased from Cambridge University Press. To limit your search to just materials that are accessible to UCSB users, check the "Only search content I have access to" box below the search box.
Limited (search only) Materials:
Full text is not available for materials which are under copyright protection or do not have the necessary permissions for open access. You can use the database to search for relevant materials and then use UC Library Search or WorldCat to locate those items in a library. All users can access bibliographic information about materials included in the repository without logging in.
Full View (public domain and open access) Materials:
Materials that are no longer protected by copyright or have the necessary permissions for open access are viewable to all users. Users with a UCSBnet ID and password may download the full text of Full View materials.
Logging In:
Click on the "Log in" link in the upper right-hand menu of the screen. Select "University of California, Santa Barbara" from the list of partners and click on the "Login" button. Enter your UCSBnet ID and password.
Perform a search and then browse through the results. When you click on a link for "Full View" you will be able to view the full text. To download the entire book, click on "Download PDF – whole book" and you will see the "Login" link in the pop-up box that comes up. Log in as described above.
Creating Collections:
Logged-in users can create personal "collections" for private or public use by selecting records from search results and then grouping them into a collection. These collections can be saved for subsequent use and may be shared with and accessed by others.
Access to the following collections are available through our membership in the Center for Research Libraries: African Newspapers; American Periodicals; Brazilian Government Documents;
Chinese Pamphlets: Political Communication & Mass Education; Digital Library for International Reserach (DLIR); Dziennik Zwiazkowy; Pamphlets and Periodicals of the French Revolution of 1848; and Slavery and Manumission Manuscripts of Timbuktu.
Allows searching of articles from hundreds of electronic journals and thousands of electronic books published by Springer and its subsidiaries.
Google Books can be an useful way to discover new books and, in some cases, to preview content.
The main Library of Congress call number ranges for English language and literature:
P: Philology and Linguistics
PE: English Language
PN: Literary History
PR: English Literature
PS: American Literature
PZ: Juvenile Literature