Top of page: Special alerts and other messages appear here.
Upper right:

- Hours - Displays table of hours for the Main Library and other service points for the current week.
- Login - Drop-down menu with login links for:
- Off-Campus Login (proxy server) - allows off-campus access to Library subscription resources
- My Library Account - Logs into your personal account on UC Library Search. You can check on status of books you've checked out, renew them online, and update your contact information.
- My ILL Requests - Lets you check on the status of items you're requested from Interlibrary Loan - Have they arrived? When are they due to be returned?
- My Special Collections Research Account - Lets you request to view materials in our Special Research Collections.
- Help - Help information for all the login options above
- Giving - Information on supporting the Library.
- Research (drop-down menu)
- Collections - List of collections in the UCSB Library
- Search
- Catalogs
- Articles & Databases
- Journal Search
- Archives & Manuscripts
- Digital Collections (locally digitized materials, including UCSB dissertations from 2011-2017)
- Special Research Collections
- Awards and Fellowships
- Subject and Course Guides
- Services
- Borrowing
- Course Reserves
- Interlibrary Loan
- Instruction
- Digital Scholarship
- Ask a Librarian
- Visit
- Call Numbers & Floor Plans
- Study & Meeting Spaces
- Computers & Printing
- Events & Exhibitions
- Directions & Parking
- About
- About
- News
- Giving
- Employment
- Policies
- Contact

The center section holds six search options:
- UC Library Search - the main discovery tool for UCSB Library holdings, as well as those of all other UC Libraries. See the UC Library Search tab in this guide for detailed information.
- Course Reserves - Search for physical or electronic materials put on reserve for UCSB courses.See the Course Reserves and Instruction tab on this guide for more details.
- Indexes and Databases - Lists of electronic resources (databases, primary sources, newspapers, e-journal collections, e-book collections, etc.) grouped alphabetically or by subject. You can also search for types of materials indexed and more.
- Research Guides - Guides assembled by UCSB librarians covering resources by discipline, interdisciplinary areas, guide for specific courses, "how to" guides, and more. See the Research Assistance tab in this guide for more information
- Alexandria Digital Research Library - Searchable collection of materials digitized by the UCSB Library, including UCSB dissertations (2011-2017).
- Archives and Manuscripts - Search tools and finding aids for materials in Special Research Collections.
Lower Center

- Today's Hours
- Interlibrary Loan
- Ask a Librarian - Links for a variety of ways to get librarian assistance, including 24 hour chat assistance.
- Study Space Availability - Provides information on the current availability of study spaces in the UCSB Library. When full access is restored, this page will also have information on reserving group study rooms.
- Latest News - News about Library resources and collections.
- Events and Exhibitions - ("off screen", below the image above). Information on current and upcoming events and exhibits at the UCSB Library.
- Information for... - ("off screen" below the image above). Links to pages with information tailored for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff, users with disabilities, and visitors.
- Suggestion Box - ("off screen" in the image above). Click here with comments or suggestions about the UCSB Library.