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Introduction to the UCSB Library for GGSE Students: Where Is...?

An introduction to the UCSB Librarry and its services for students in the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education.

Finding the Library

Campus Map

Camppus map, featuring UCSB Library

The Main Library is located near the center of campus, just east of the Education buildings.


Library Floor Plans

Library Floor Plans

1st Floor

East Side - Facing Broida Hall

UCSB Library - 1st floor

North Side = Mountain Side                                                                                                           South Side = Ocean Side

                                                            West Side - facing the Arbor, Girvetz Hall

During regular hours, you may enter the building at the Mountain Entrance, East Paseo, West Paseo, and the Davidson Entrance. When late night study is available, entrance is by the West Paseo entrance only.

The Services Desk is located near the West Paseo entrance. Instruction Room 1312 is located on the North/MountainSside

The UCSB Library Makerspace is located on the Ocean Side, on the East side of the building.

Note: The gray area to the left of the Paseo is the Sara Miller McCune Arts Library, including the Library's art and music collections, which opened to the public in December, 2024.


2nd Floor

UCSB Library - 2nd floor

Note: The Children's and Young Adult Literature collection and the Curriculum Resources collection are located on the 2nd floor, on the Ocean sSde, in the southeast coner.

The DREAM Lab is located on the 2nd floor on the Mountain side, near the Group Study Rooms. It contains hardware and software for data manipulation and visualization. It also offers workshops on the use of Python, R, and other programming tools.

Instruction room 2509 is located on the East side of the 2nd floor. Opposite it is the Graduate Quiet Study room (2504), accessible with a graduate students UCSB Access card. A second Graduate Quiet Study room is located on the Ocean Side, soutwst corner (2582B), and a third on the 8th floor (8503). Many of the reservable Group Study rooms are located on the 2nd floor. 

The offices of most of the subject librarians are located in the suite behind the Ocean Elevators on the 2nd floor.

Most Education books are in the "L" call number on the 6th floor. For other call number, see Call Numbers and Locations.


Cutaway profile of the entire Main Library

Cutaway profile of UCSB Main Library

The main Education collection (call number L) is located on the 6th floor.

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