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Week of Welcome 2021: Clue Me In!: 4

This guide is for use and support of the Week of Welcome 2021 Library Orientation Activity.

Room 4580 is located on the 4th floor Ocean Side.

The 4th floor is the last of the collaborative study floors as you go up through the Library. This floor also has several group study rooms and unique study spaces. 

Call numbers: C-F (CDEF), GF-HX (GH)

  • C -- Auxiliary Sciences of History (Genealogy, Archaeology, Biography, etc.)
  • D -- History (General) and History of Europe
  • E -- History: America
  • F -- History: America
  • G -- Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
  • H -- Social Sciences



Bookable Rooms

Group Study Rooms and Collaboration Spaces

Reservable and Drop-In Group Study Rooms are located throughout the UCSB Library for UCSB students, faculty, and staff groups of 2-10 people. Reservable Group Study Rooms can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance and for 4 hours per week through an online reservation system.

Presentation Practice Room

Located on the 1st Floor Mountain Side (room 1506), the Presentation Practice Room allows you to practice, refine, and record oral and multimedia presentations for classes and seminars, conferences, teaching preparation, the Grad and Undergrad Slam, thesis defenses, and other events. The room can be booked by UCSB students, faculty, and staff up to 2 weeks in advance and for up to 4 hours per week through an online reservation system. 


Learn more about study areas and meeting spaces here

East Asian Collection

For a list of all "Clue Me In" locations, go here.

Think you have the answer? Click here to submit your response.