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The African Diaspora in the Americas (The Caribbean, Latin America and the U.S.)

UC Library Search


Finding Books & Articles about the African Diaspora in the Americas

Arthur Schomburg: a major builder of Afro-Caribbean and African American institutional lifeSecondary sources are studies done by historians and other researchers by analyzing primary sources. Books and journal articles are the main types of secondary sources.

When starting your keyword search to find articles and books, try to do a balanced search—not too broad but not too narrow either. Use several synonyms to be sure that you find everything relevant to your topic. This is very important when you are focusing on just one country, e.g. Cuba, the Dominican Republic, etc.

Black is the preferred term used to describe African descendants, regardless of country of origin. When searching for phrases, use quotation marks to indicate to the system that you want articles on that topic, e.g. "Latin America". Depending on your topic, here are some suggestions for terms to use for your keywords searches that you can use with the UC Library Search text box:


  • Blacks AND "Puerto Rico"
  • "African Diaspora" AND Mexico
  • "sugar cane industry" AND blacks AND Jamaica
Other terms to search for blacks in Latin American and the Caribbean: Afro-Latino, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Cuban, Afro-Puerto Rican, etc.


Image source: Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Photographs and Prints Division, The New York Public Library. "Arthur Schomburg" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1896.

Note: Arthur Schomburg was one of the most important builder of Afro-Caribbean and African American archives in the United States. An Afro-Puerto Rican, he was a member of the Harlem Renaissance and donated his personal collection to the NYPL.

Where to Find Articles? (Recommended Databases)