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HIST 9 - Historical Methods: Global Histories of Sugar (Schmidt, Winter 2024): Home

Global Histories of Sugar

"The Empire's Sugar Cane" - Empire Marketing Board poster (1926-1939)

Image source: The National Archives, via AM Global Commodities database

Historical Methodologies Assignment

Your assignment is to use both primary and secondary sources to complete a project in which you explore the global history of sugar in one of the below Historian Personas. Each project requires an annotated bibliography of 5 sources.

  • Historian:  Write a 1500-word research paper, posing and answering an historical question
  • Digital Humanist:  Create a 10 minute video, blog, website, or other digital project relevant to the course
  • Teacher:  Create a 10 minute podcast or video with accompanying PowerPoint to teach some aspect of the course to high school or college students
  • Museum Curator:  Curate a museum exhibit of 5 items relevant to some topic in Food Studies
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