For quick, reliable background information on your topic, check subject encyclopedias and handbooks. These are also a good way to discover keywords for your topic.
Air Pollution Control Technology HandbookA detailed reference for the practicing engineer, Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook, Second Edition focuses on air pollution control systems and outlines the basic process engineering and cost estimation required for its design. Written by seasoned experts in the field, this book offers a fundamental understanding of the factors resulting i
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2015
Clay's Handbook of Environmental HealthSince its first publication in 1933, Clay's Handbook of Environmental Health (under its different names) has provided a definitive guide for the environmental health practitioner (EHP), and an essential reference for the consultant and student. This 22nd edition continues with its more recent successful structure, reviewing the core principles, techniques, competencies and skills required of an EHP, and then outlining the specialist subjects without getting bogged down in a legalistic approach, seeking to broaden the content for a more global audience. This new edition seeks to educate the EHP on the public health impacts of global heating and the climate emergency and also reflects the COVID-19 pandemic, as might be expected. Although seeking to have global appeal, the impact of the UK leaving the EU is also addressed. The book examines environmental health in different settings, including in the military, working in both conflict and natural disaster settings, and environmental health at sea and airports. In line with previous editions, case studies are used to illustrate how EH problems have been resolved. This new edition includes guidance on key issues in public and environmental health including air pollution, contaminated land, housing and health, noise, water, food safety, pests and vector control, chemicals in the environment and radiation, as well as sustainability and public health and humanitarian crises. This handbook aims to give a basic understanding of the philosophical basis of environmental health, as well as the required technical aspects and an understanding of environmental health in different settings. All chapters have sections on further reading and sources of information. Clay's Handbook is essential reading for all practitioners, students and researchers in environmental and public health wherever they are working.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
ISBN: 1000599930
Publication Date: 2022
Clinical Handbook of Air Pollution-Related DiseasesThis book examines in detail the clinical implications of those diseases that either are primarily triggered by air pollution or represent direct consequences of air pollutants. The aim is to provide medical practitioners with practical solutions to issues in diagnosis and treatment while simultaneously furnishing other interested parties with crucial information on the field. The book introduces the concept that air pollution-related diseases constitute a new class of pathologies. A wide range of conditions mainly attributable to air pollution are discussed, covering different body systems and pollution impacts in subsets of the population. In addition to presenting state of the art overviews of clinical aspects, the book carefully examines the implications of current knowledge for social and public health strategies aimed at disease prevention and prophylaxis. The Clinical Handbook of Air Pollution-Related Diseases will greatly assist doctors and healthcare workers when dealing with the consequences of air pollution in their everyday practice and will provide researchers, industry, and policymakers with valuable facts and insights
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2018
The Coal HandbookThe Coal Handbook: Towards Cleaner Coal Supply Chains, Volume One, Second Edition presents a comprehensive analysis of the latest technology and practices. The book provides authoritative insights into a variety of case studies to help readers identify the most appropriate technologies to take coal, and its associated by-products, into an essential cleaner environment that includes integrated energy systems. The book's expertise highlights the future direction of coal use towards more efficient and clean usage. Key emerging topics such as hybrid technologies, integrated power and chemical processes, and advanced CO2 abatement strategies are explored, with a focus on economic and sustainable values.In addition, the book includes two brand new chapters on the optimization of mine development and the impacts of tailings treatment. With its distinguished editor and international team of expert contributors, the book is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for professionals in the coal mining, preparation and utilization industry, those in the power sector, including plant operators and engineers, and researchers and academics interested in this field. Reflects the latest knowledge on coal production supply chains, from analysis to extraction and distribution Explores sustainable coal characterization, formation, petrography, reserves, sampling and analysis Examines coal extraction and preparation and highlights advances in coal mining technology, underground coal gas extraction, coal sizing, comminution and cleaning, and solid-liquid separation technologies Includes two brand new chapters on Optimization and Strategies in Mine Development and The Impacts of Tailings Treatment Obligations
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
ISBN: 9780323984423
Publication Date: 2023
Encyclopedia of Coastal ScienceThe Encyclopedia of Coastal Science presents an interdisciplinary approach that includes biology, ecology, engineering, geology, geomorphology, oceanography, remote sensing, technological advances, and anthropogenic impacts on coasts. Within its covers the Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, 2nd ed. brings together and coordinates many aspects of coastal and related sciences that are widely dispersed in the scientific literature. The broadly interdisciplinary subject matter of this volume features contributions by over 280 well-known international specialists in their respective fields and provides an abundance of figures in full-color with line drawings and photographs, and other illustrations such as satellite images. Not only does this volume offer a large number of new and revised entries, it also includes an illustrated glossary of coastal geomorphology, extensive bibliographic citations, and cross-references. It provides a comprehensive reference work for students, scientific and technical professionals as well as administrators, managers, and informed lay readers.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2019
Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems ScienceEncyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science provides an authoritative single source for understanding and applying the concepts of complexity theory together with the tools and measures for analyzing complex systems in all fields of science and engineering. The science and tools of complexity and systems science include theories of self-organization, complex systems, synergetics, dynamical systems, turbulence, catastrophes, instabilities, nonlinearity, stochastic processes, chaos, neural networks, cellular automata, adaptive systems, and genetic algorithms. Examples of near-term problems and major unknowns that can be approached through complexity and systems science include: The structure, history and future of the universe; the biological basis of consciousness; the integration of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics as systems biology; human longevity limits; the limits of computing; sustainability of life on earth; predictability, dynamics and extent of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters; the dynamics of turbulent flows; lasers or fluids in physics, microprocessor design; macromolecular assembly in chemistry and biophysics; brain functions in cognitive neuroscience; climate change; ecosystem management; traffic management; and business cycles. All these seemingly quite different kinds of structure formation have a number of important features and underlying structures in common. These deep structural similarities can be exploited to transfer analytical methods and understanding from one field to another. This unique work will extend the influence of complexity and system science to a much wider audience than has been possible to date.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2019
Encyclopedia of EnergyIn recent years our usage and understanding of different types of energy has grown at a tremendous rate. The editor-in-chief, Cutler Cleveland, and his international team of associate editors have brought together approximately 400 authors to produce the Encyclopedia of Energy. This highly topical reference draws together all aspects of energy, covering a wealth of areas throughout the natural, social and engineering sciences. The Encyclopedia will provide easily accessible information about all aspects of energy, written by leading international authorities. It will not only be indispensible for academics, researchers, professionals and students, but also for policy makers, energy and environmental consultants, and all those working in business corporations and non-governmental organisations whose activities relate to energy and the environment. Also available online via ScienceDirect - featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy. For more information, pricing options and availability visit An invaluable resource for all academics, researchers, professionals and students either working in or conducting research in energy and related environmental fields An A-Z of energy, covering environmental and renewable energy through to fossil fuels and nuclear power
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2004
Encyclopedia of Environmental IssuesThe third edition contains nearly 800 alphabetically arranged articles. They cover a wide variety of topics, including endangered animal species, air pollution, national parks, environmental legislation, oil spills, alternative energy sources, and global climate change. In recognition of the fact that people spend an overwhelming proportion of their time in human-made environments, essays also cover such topics as sick building syndrome, noise pollution, smog, and urban planning.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2019
Encyclopedia of EstuariesThe Encyclopedia of Estuaries, part of Springer's Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, provides a single, state-of-the-art, comprehensive reference volume on estuaries for research scientists, educators, students, and others. Consisting of almost 270 subject entries in an easy-to-use format, this volume covers the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of estuaries. In total more than 225 authors from around the world have contributed to the encyclopedia on such diverse subjects as biotic communities, essential habitats, food webs, fisheries, hydrology, pollution, conservation, and many more. The Encyclopedia of Estuaries will meet the needs of professionals worldwide by supplying detailed information from world-class estuarine and marine scientists as well as experts from other fields of study.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2015
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary BiologyEncyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology is the definitive go-to reference in the field of evolutionary biology. It provides a fully comprehensive review of the field in an easy to search structure. Under the collective leadership of fifteen distinguished section editors, it is comprised of articles written by leading experts in the field, providing a full review of the current status of each topic. The articles are up-to-date and fully illustrated with in-text references that allow readers to easily access primary literature. While all entries are authoritative and valuable to those with advanced understanding of evolutionary biology, they are also intended to be accessible to both advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Broad topics include the history of evolutionary biology, population genetics, quantitative genetics; speciation, life history evolution, evolution of sex and mating systems, evolutionary biogeography, evolutionary developmental biology, molecular and genome evolution, coevolution, phylogenetic methods, microbial evolution, diversification of plants and fungi, diversification of animals, and applied evolution. Presents fully comprehensive content, allowing easy access to fundamental information and links to primary research Contains concise articles by leading experts in the field that ensures current coverage of each topic Provides ancillary learning tools like tables, illustrations, and multimedia features to assist with the comprehension process
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2016
Encyclopedia of GeobiologyThe interplay between Geology and Biology has shaped the Earth from the early Precambrian, 4 billion years ago. Moving beyond the borders of the classical core disciplines, Geobiology strives to identify chains of cause-and-effect and synergisms between the geo- and the biospheres that have been driving the evolution of life in modern and ancient environments. Combining modern methods, geobiological information can be extracted not only from visible remains of organisms, but also from organic molecules, rock fabrics, minerals, isotopes and other tracers. An understanding of these processes and their signatures reveals enormous applied potentials with respect to issues of environment protection, public health, energy and resource management. The Encyclopedia of Geobiology has been designed to act as a key reference for students, researchers, teachers, and the informed public and to provide basic, but comprehensible knowledge on this rapidly expanding discipline that sits at the interface between modern geo- and biosciences.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2011
Encyclopedia of GeochemistryThe Encyclopedia is a complete and authoritative reference work for this rapidly evolving field. Over 300 international scientists, each experts in their specialties, have written over 330 separate topics on different aspects of geochemistry including geochemical thermodynamics and kinetics, isotope and organic geochemistry, meteorites and cosmochemistry, the carbon cycle and climate, trace elements, geochemistry of high and low temperature processes, and ore deposition, to name just a few. The geochemical behavior of the elements is described as is the state of the art in analytical geochemistry. Each topic incorporates cross-referencing to related articles, and also has its own reference list to lead the reader to the essential articles within the published literature. The entries are arranged alphabetically, for easy access, and the subject and author indices are comprehensive and extensive. Geochemistry applies chemical techniques and approaches to understanding the Earth and how it works. It touches upon almost every aspect of earth science, ranging from applied topics such as the search for energy and mineral resources, environmental pollution, and climate change to more basic questions such as the Earth's origin and composition, the origin and evolution of life, rock weathering and metamorphism, and the pattern of ocean and mantle circulation. Geochemistry allows us to assign absolute ages to events in Earth's history, to trace the flow of ocean water both now and in the past, trace sediments into subduction zones and arc volcanoes, and trace petroleum to its source rock and ultimately the environment in which it formed. The earliest of evidence of life is provided by chemical and isotopic traces, not fossils, preserved in rocks. Geochemistry has allowed us to unravel the history of the ice ages and thereby deduce their cause. Geochemistry allows us to determine the swings in Earth's surface temperatures during the ice ages, determine the temperatures and pressures at which rocks have been metamorphosed, and the rates at which ancient magma chambers cooled and crystallized. The field has grown rapidly more sophisticated, in both analytical techniques that can determine elemental concentrations or isotope ratios with exquisite precision and in computational modeling on scales ranging from atomic to planetary.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2018
Encyclopedia of Global Studies"With all entries followed by cross-references and further reading lists, this current resource is ideal for high school and college students looking for connecting ideas and additional sources on them. The work brings together the many facets of global studies into a solid reference tool and will help those developing and articulating an ideological perspective." -- Library Journal The Encyclopedia of Global Studies is the reference work for the emerging field of global studies. It covers both transnational topics and intellectual approaches to the study of global themes, including the globalization of economies and technologies; the diaspora of cultures and dispersion of peoples; the transnational aspects of social and political chan≥ the global impact of environmental, technological, and health changes; and the organizations and issues related to global civil society. Key Themes: * Global civil society * Global communications, transportation, technology * Global conflict and security * Global culture, media * Global demographic change * Global economic issues * Global environmental and energy issues * Global governance and world order * Global health and nutrition * Global historical antecedents * Global justice and legal issues * Global religions, beliefs, ideologies * Global studies * Identities in global society Readership: Students and academics in the fields of politics and international relations, international business, geography and environmental studies, sociology and cultural studies, and health.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2012
Encyclopedia of Hydrological SciencesWith the increasing pressures on the availability and exploitation of fresh water resources through population increase, pollution and degradation of resources, and variations in distribution from regional and global change in the climate, compilation of knowledge in this area has become a prerequisite for education and training of practising and research hydrologists. The Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences is the definitive research level multi-volume treatment of this important topic. Written and edited by leading worldwide authorities in the field, and comprising nearly 200 substantial articles, the Encyclopedia provides detailed, informed coverage of the subject. Organised into 17 themed parts for the reader's ease of navigation, it offers up-to-date, scientifically rigorous information on all key aspects of the subject, from sub-catchment to the global scale, in a convenient and credible manner. * Written by over 200 contributors * Available both in print and online * Ideal for researchers in both academia and industry
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2006
Encyclopedia of ImmunotoxicologyThis work provides rapid access to focused information on topics of Immunotoxicology not only for scientists and those dealing with laboratory aspects but also for lecturers and advanced students. Over 200 contributing authors - including many of the world's top specialists - have contributed full essays on all relevant topics, supplemented by keyword definitions of related terms. Full essays are structured uniformly to provide reader-friendly information on all aspects of Immunotoxicology, including methods of testing and analysis, characteristics of substances, the regulatory environment and the relevance of these to humans.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2015
Encyclopedia of Inland WatersInland aquatic habitats occur world-wide at all scales from marshes, swamps and temporary puddles, to ponds, lakes and inland seas; from streams and creeks to rolling rivers. Vital for biological diversity, ecosystem function and as resources for human life, commerce and leisure, inland waters are a vital component of life on Earth. The Encyclopedia of Inland Waters describes and explains all the basic features of the subject, from water chemistry and physics, to the biology of aquatic creatures and the complex function and balance of aquatic ecosystems of varying size and complexity. Used and abused as an essential resource, it is vital that we understand and manage them as much as we appreciate and enjoy them. This extraordinary reference brings together the very best research to provide the basic and advanced information necessary for scientists to understand these ecosystems and for water resource managers and consultants to manage and protect them for future generations. Encyclopedic reference to Limnology - a key core subject in ecology taught as a specialist course in universities Over 240 topic related articles cover the field Gene Likens is a renowned limnologist and conservationist, Emeritus Director of the Institute of Ecosystems Research, elected member of the American Philosophical Society and recipient of the 2001 National Medal of Science Subject Section Editors and authors include the very best research workers in the field"
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2009
Encyclopedia of Lakes and ReservoirsLakes and reservoirs hold about 90% of the world's surface fresh water, but overuse, water withdrawal and pollution of these bodies puts some one billion people at risk. The Encyclopedia of Lakes and Reservoirs reviews the physical, chemical and ecological characteristics of lakes and reservoirs, and describes their uses and environmental state trends in different parts of the world. Superbly illustrated throughout, it includes some 200 entries in a range of topics, including acidification, artificialisation, canals, climate change effects, dams, dew ponds, drainage, eutrofication, evaporation, fisheries, hydro-electric power, nutrients, organic pollution, paleolimnology, reservoir capacities and depths, sedimentation, water resources and more.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2012
Encyclopedia of Marine GeosciencesThis Encyclopedia comprises the current knowledge in marine geosciences whereby not only basic but also applied and technical sciences are covered. Through this concept a broad scale of users in the field of marine sciences and techniques is addressed, from students and scholars in academia to engineers and decision makers in industry and politics. Globally growing demand of energy and mineral resources, reliable future projection of climate processes and the protection of coasts to mitigate the threats of disasters and hazards require a comprehensive understanding of the structure, ongoing processes and genesis of the marine geosphere. Beyond the "classical" research fields in marine geology in current time more general concepts have been evolved integrating marine geophysics, hydrography, marine biology, climatology and ecology. As an umbrella the term "marine geosciences" has been broadly accepted for this new complex field of research and the solutions of practical tasks in the marine realm.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2016
Encyclopedia of Mineral and Energy PolicyEurope: Mineral and Energy Policy -- North Africa/Middle East/Sub-Saharan Africa: Mineral Policy -- Russian Group: Mineral and Energy Policy -- China/Japan: Energy Policy -- Australia/Surrounding Countries: Mineral and Energy Policy -- Latin America: Mineral and Energy Policy -- Geoconservation/Geological Heritage -- Coal Policy: General and Specific Technical Aspects -- Primary Raw Materials Production, Mining and Processing -- International Organizations and Energy Policy -- Mining and Environment.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
ISBN: 366247493X
Publication Date: 2023
Encyclopedia of Ocean EngineeringFixed and floating offshore oil and gas platforms -- Pipelines and risers -- Cables and mooring -- Buoy technology -- Foundation engineering -- Ocean mining -- Marine and offshore renewable energy -- Aquaculture engineering -- Subsea engineering -- Ship and special marine vehicle design -- Intact and damaged stability -- Technology for energy efficiency and green shipping -- Ship production technology -- Decommissioning and recycling -- Ice mechanics -- Ice-structure interaction -- Polar operations -- Polar design -- Environmental protection -- AUV/ROV/HOV design -- AUV/ROV/HOV hydrodynamics.-Maneuvering and control; and underwater-specific communicating and sensing systems for AUV/ROV/HOVs.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
ISBN: 9789811069468
Publication Date: 2023
Encyclopedia of Ocean SciencesEncyclopedia of Ocean Sciences 2e is a new 6-volume online reference work, pulling together all the key information in one source from the leading publisher in the field. This second edition is online, offering the user greater flexibility, accessibility, and most importantly, usability with 24 hour access, multi-user access, remote access and excellent search functionality. Structured for success, each article contains a glossary, an introduction, a reference section and a wealth of cross-referenced links to premium and related material all accessible in a mouse-click, making complicated, time consuming research a thing of the past. *Approximately 500 articles covering the breadth and depth of the field with over 30% new and updated content reflecting the latest research in the field *Greater coverage of climate, remote sensing, and data modeling, with greater consideration of economic and political aspects provides a broad view of the field *Online availability facilitates easier research and increased productivity
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2009
Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health PromotionPublic Health is one of the fastest growing university programs in the United States today. At the same time, the challenges that face the practitioner continue to grow and become more complex. This Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health Promotion, 2nd ed covers more than 250 topics, taking a lifespan approach to the fields of public health and prevention. The encyclopedia is divided into four volumes: 1. Foundational Topics 2. Early Childhood and Childhood 3. Adolescence 4. Adulthood and Older Adulthood Within each volume, issues of illness prevention and health promotion (sometimes referred to as "positive psychology") are addressed in chapter-length entries arranged alphabetically. An international group of contributors synthesizes research focusing on improving the physical and mental health of the community as a whole. Each entry will have a structured format: Introduction, Definition of Terms, Prevalence, Theories, Empirical Studies, and Strategies (What Works, What Is Promising, What Doesn't Work). Each entry concludes with a look ahead to the coming decades of Public Health - what are the next steps to primary prevention and health promotion - and a "See Also" box recommending books, films, or articles by the editors for further reading. The encyclopedia is designed for practitioners, students, and researchers working in prevention, public health, and psychology. It will also serve as reference for practitioners in sociology, social work, nursing and medicine. The second edition more than doubles the number of entries in the first edition by adding entries focusing on gender, African American and Latino issues, social support, social and emotional learning, and physical health and disease. All entries from the first edition will be rewritten and expanded, reflecting the most up to date thinking in the field.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2014
Encyclopedia of Public HealthThe Encyclopedic Reference of Public Health presents the most important definitions, principles and general perspectives of public health, written by experts of the different fields. The work includes more than 2,500 alphabetical entries. Entries comprise review-style articles, detailed essays and short definitions. Numerous figures and tables enhance understanding of this little-understood topic. Solidly structured and inclusive, this two-volume reference is an invaluable tool for clinical scientists and practitioners in academia, health care and industry, as well as students, teachers and interested laypersons.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2008
Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and AssessmentLeading the way in this field, the Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment is the first publication to offer a modern, comprehensive and in-depth resource to the huge variety of disciplines involved. A truly international work, its coverage ranges across risk issues pertinent to life scientists, engineers, policy makers, healthcare professionals, the finance industry, the military and practising statisticians. Drawing on the expertise of world-renowned authors and editors in this field this title provides up-to-date material on drug safety, investment theory, public policy applications, transportation safety, public perception of risk, epidemiological risk, national defence and security, critical infrastructure, and program management. This major publication is easily accessible for all those involved in the field of risk assessment and analysis. For ease-of-use it is available in print and online.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2008
Encyclopedia of Renewable EnergyWritten by a highly respected engineer and prolific author in the energy sector, this is the single most comprehensive, thorough, and up-to-date reference work on renewable energy. The world's energy industry is and has always been volatile, sometimes controversial, with wild swings upward and downward. This has, historically, been mostly because most of our energy has come from fossil fuels, which is a finite source of energy. Every so often, a technology comes along, like hydrofracturing, that is a game-changer. But is it, really? Aren't we just delaying the inevitable with these temporary price fixes The only REAL game-changer is renewable energy. For decades, renewable energy sources have been sought, developed, and studied. Sometimes wind is at the forefront, sometimes solar, and, for the last decade or so, there has been a surge in interest for biofeedstocks and biofuels. There are also the "old standbys" of nuclear and geothermal energy, which have both been around for a very long time. This groundbreaking new volume presents these topics and trends in an encyclopedic format, as a go-to reference for the engineer, scientist, student, or even layperson who works in the industry or is simply interested in the topic. Compiled by one of the world's best-known and respected energy engineers, this is the most comprehensive and up-to-date encyclopedia of renewable energy ever written, a must-have for any library. Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy: Is written in an encyclopedic style, covering every aspect of renewable energy, including wind, solar, and many other topics Offers a comprehensive coverage of the industry, from the chemical processes of biofeedstocks and biofuels to the machinery and equipment used in the production of fuel and power generation Is filled with workable examples and designs that are helpful for practical applications Covers the state of the art, an invaluable resource for any engineer Audience Engineers across a variety of industries, including wind, solar, process engineering, waste utilization for fuels, and many others, such as process engineers, chemical engineers, electrical engineers, petroleum engineers, civil engineers, and the technicians and other scientists who work in this field
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
ISBN: 9781119364856
Publication Date: 2021
Encyclopedia of Smart Agriculture TechnologiesAg Systems & Digital Farming Tech -- AI and Smart Technologies -- Engineering and Mechanization Technologies -- Crop Production & PA Tech -- Animal production and monitoring technologies -- Postharvest Technologies -- Robotics and automation tech.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
ISBN: 9783031248610
Publication Date: 2023
Encyclopedia of Soil ScienceThe Encyclopedia of Soil Science provides a comprehensive, alphabetical treatment of basic soil science in a single volume. It constitutes a wide ranging and authorative collection of some 160 academic articles covering the salient aspects of soil physics, chemistry, biology, fertility, technology, genesis, morphology, classification and geomorphology. With increased usage of soil for world food production, building materials, and waste repositories, demand has grown for a better global understanding of soil and its processes. longer articles by leading authorities from around the world are supplemented by some 430 definitions of common terms in soil sciences.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2017
Encyclopedia of SustainabilityThis three-volume encyclopedia explores the concept of sustainability in the contexts of the environment, economics, and justice. This expansive encyclopedia breaks new ground, giving definition and focus to an urgent and much-talked-about topic that is extraordinarily wide ranging and all too often misunderstood. As the first major reference work in its field, the three comprehensive volumes span the entire scope of sustainability from ecological concepts to financial concerns to public policy and community action, giving readers a solid foundation from which to think critically about efforts to make a more sustainable world. The Encyclopedia of Sustainability comprises three volumes, each dedicated to one of three equally important contexts in which the term is used: environment and ecology, business and economics, and equity and fairness. Each volume provides authoritative but accessible coverage of basic concepts and terms, as well as policy initiatives, controversies, and future trends. Volumes also include biographical sketches of important contributors to sustainability efforts from the scientific, economic, public policy, and activist realms, plus extensive listings of print and online resources for further exploration. Includes biological sketches of important leaders including Mohammad Yunnus, Wangari Maathai, and Karl Henrik Robèrt Offers over 50 illustrations and drawings and a variety of helpful maps Appendices of original documents not easily located otherwise A guide to related topics opens each volume, allowing quick reference to entries by theme A "Definitions and Contexts" section unique to each volume provides readers with a crash course in the often complex language of sustainability
Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and TechnologyThe Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology (ESST) addresses the grand challenge for science and engineering today. It provides unprecedented, peer-reviewed coverage of sustainability science and technology with contributions from nearly 1,000 of the worlds leading scientists and engineers, who write on more than 600 separate topics in 42 sections. ESST establishes a foundation for the many sustainability and policy evaluations being performed in institutions worldwide. An indispensable resource for scientists and engineers in developing new technologies and for applying existing technologies to sustainability, the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology is presented at the university and professional level needed for scientists, engineers, and their students to support real progress in sustainability science and technology. Although the emphasis is on science and technology rather than policy, the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology is also a comprehensive and authoritative resource for policy makers who want to understand the scope of research and development and how these bottom-up innovations map on to the sustainability challenge
Encyclopedia of Systems BiologySystems biology refers to the quantitative analysis of the dynamic interactions among several components of a biological system and aims to understand the behavior of the system as a whole. Systems biology involves the development and application of systems theory concepts for the study of complex biological systems through iteration over mathematical modeling, computational simulation and biological experimentation. Systems biology could be viewed as a tool to increase our understanding of biological systems, to develop more directed experiments, and to allow accurate predictions. The Encyclopedia of Systems Biology is conceived as a comprehensive reference work covering all aspects of systems biology, in particular the investigation of living matter involving a tight coupling of biological experimentation, mathematical modeling and computational analysis and simulation. The main goal of the Encyclopedia is to provide a complete reference of established knowledge in systems biology - a 'one-stop shop' for someone seeking information on key concepts of systems biology. As a result, the Encyclopedia comprises a broad range of topics relevant in the context of systems biology. The audience targeted by the Encyclopedia includes researchers, developers, teachers, students and practitioners who are interested or working in the field of systems biology. Keeping in mind the varying needs of the potential readership, we have structured and presented the content in a way that is accessible to readers from wide range of backgrounds. In contrast to encyclopedic online resources, which often rely on the general public to author their content, a key consideration in the development of the Encyclopedia of Systems Biology was to have subject matter experts define the concepts and subjects of systems biology.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2014
Encyclopedia of Thermal StressesThe Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses is an important interdisciplinary reference work. In addition to topics on thermal stresses, it contains entries on related topics, such as the theory of elasticity, heat conduction, thermodynamics, appropriate topics on applied mathematics, and topics on numerical methods. The Encyclopedia is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and engineers. It brings together well established knowledge and recently received results. All entries were prepared by leading experts from all over the world, and are presented in an easily accessible format. The work is lavishly illustrated, examples and applications are given where appropriate, ideas for further development abound, and the work will challenge many students and researchers to pursue new results of their own. This work can also serve as a one-stop resource for all who need succinct, concise, reliable and up to date information in short encyclopedic entries, while the extensive references will be of interest to those who need further information. For the coming decade, this is likely to remain the most extensive and authoritative work on Thermal Stresses.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2014
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of LearningOver the past century, educational psychologists and researchers have posited many theories to explain how individuals learn, i.e. how they acquire, organize and deploy knowledge and skills. The 20th century can be considered the century of psychology on learning and related fields of interest (such as motivation, cognition, metacognition etc.) and it is fascinating to see the various mainstreams of learning, remembered and forgotten over the 20th century and note that basic assumptions of early theories survived several paradigm shifts of psychology and epistemology. Beyond folk psychology and its naïve theories of learning, psychological learning theories can be grouped into some basic categories, such as behaviorist learning theories, connectionist learning theories, cognitive learning theories, constructivist learning theories, and social learning theories. Learning theories are not limited to psychology and related fields of interest but rather we can find the topic of learning in various disciplines, such as philosophy and epistemology, education, information science, biology, and - as a result of the emergence of computer technologies - especially also in the field of computer sciences and artificial intelligence. As a consequence, machine learning struck a chord in the 1980s and became an important field of the learning sciences in general. As the learning sciences became more specialized and complex, the various fields of interest were widely spread and separated from each other; as a consequence, even presently, there is no comprehensive overview of the sciences of learning or the central theoretical concepts and vocabulary on which researchers rely. The Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning provides an up-to-date, broad and authoritative coverage of the specific terms mostly used in the sciences of learning and its related fields, including relevant areas of instruction, pedagogy, cognitive sciences, and especially machine learning and knowledge engineering. This modern compendium will be an indispensable source of information for scientists, educators, engineers, and technical staff active in all fields of learning. More specifically, the Encyclopedia provides fast access to the most relevant theoretical terms provides up-to-date, broad and authoritative coverage of the most important theories within the various fields of the learning sciences and adjacent sciences and communication technologies; supplies clear and precise explanations of the theoretical terms, cross-references to related entries and up-to-date references to important research and publications. The Encyclopedia also contains biographical entries of individuals who have substantially contributed to the sciences of learning; the entries are written by a distinguished panel of researchers in the various fields of the learning sciences.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2014
Encyclopedia of ToxicologyThe second edition of the Encyclopedia of Toxicology continues its comprehensive survey of toxicology. This new edition continues to present entries devoted to key concepts and specific chemicals. There has been an increase in entries devoted to international organizations and well-known toxic-related incidents such as Love Canal and Chernobyl. Along with the traditional scientifically based entries, new articles focus on the societal implications of toxicological knowledge including environmental crimes, chemical and biological warfare in ancient times, and a history of the U.S. environmental movement. With more than 1150 entries, this second edition has been expanded in length, breadth and depth, and provides an extensive overview of the many facets of toxicology. Also available online via ScienceDirect - featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy. For more information, pricing options and availability visit *Second edition has been expanded to 4 volumes *Encyclopedic A-Z arrangement of chemicals and all core areas of the science of toxicology *Covers related areas such as organizations, toxic accidents, historical and social issues, and laws *New topics covered include computational toxicology, cancer potency factors, chemical accidents, non-lethal chemical weapons, drugs of abuse, and consumer products and many more!
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2005
Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and SocietyA peer reviewed, comprehensive encyclopedia that reflects the current state of water science and engineering from multidisciplinary global viewpoints Water quantity and quality are becoming increasingly urgent environmental issues. To meet the growing water demands of our expanding global population, professionals are turning to nontraditional sources and technologies. This expansive, multidisciplinary reference work contains hundreds of articles that reflect the many substantial changes that have occurred in the field of water science. Topics include the hydrologic cycle, nanomaterials and colloids, ecology and microbiology, oceans and coastal processes, ice and glaciers, climate change and sustainability, societal considerations, water and health, and more. This comprehensive work features standalone, authoritative, verifiable, carefully edited, well organized, and accessible content. Written and peer-reviewed by experts from around the world, The Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society comes in five volumes that cover: Fundamentals of Water, Chemistry, Particles, and Ecology; Hydrology, Groundwater, and Surface Water; Atmosphere and Precipitation, Ice and Glaciers, Oceans and Costs, Soils and Mineral-Water Interface; Water Technology; and Human Dimension. The Encyclopedia: Offers a multidisciplinary reference work covering water-related topics at the fundamental and applied levels Contains 229 articles on a wide range of subjects, including: Basic Concepts, The Hydrologic Cycle, Water Technology, and Societal Considerations and Special Topics Provides carefully edited articles presenting verifiable information and references Written and reviewed by a team of global experts Encyclopedia of Water is a must-have reference for all hydrologists, environmental chemists and geochemists, environmental engineers, soil scientists, agriculturists, biologists, health scientists, and ecologists, as well as senior undergraduate and postgraduate students and educators in these areas. It is an important resource for all libraries in universities and colleges, industry, research organizations, and government departments.
Encyclopedia of Water ScienceFilled with figures, images, and illustrations, Encyclopedia of Water Science, Second Edition provides effective concepts and procedures in environmental water science and engineering. It unveils a wide spectrum of design concepts, methods, and solutions for enhanced performance of water quality, treatment, conservation, and irrigation methods, as well as improved water efficiency in industrial, municipal, and agricultural programs. The second edition also includes greatly enhanced coverage of streams and lakes as well as many regional case studies. An International Team Addresses Important Issues The only source to provide full coverage of current debates in the field, the encyclopedia offers professional expertise on vital issues including: Current laws and regulations Irrigation management Environmental water economics Agroforestry Erosion control Nutrient best management practices Water sanitation Stream and lake morphology and processes Sharpen Your Skills -- Meet Challenges Well-Armed A direct and reliable source for best practices in water handling, preservation, and recovery, the encyclopedia examines challenges in the provision of safe water supplies, guiding environmental professionals as they face a worldwide demand for sanitary and affordable water reserves. Also Available Online This Taylor & Francis encyclopedia is also available through online subscription, offering a variety of extra benefits for researchers, students, and librarians, including: Citation tracking and alerts Active reference linking Saved searches and marked lists HTML and PDF format options Contact Taylor and Francis for more information or to inquire about subscription options and print/online combination packages. US: (Tel) 1.888.318.2367; (E-mail) International: (Tel) +44 (0) 20 7017 6062; (E-mail)
Call Number: Reference QC854 .A45 2007 (Print and Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2009
International Encyclopedia of Public HealthAn authoritative and comprehensive guide to the major issues, challenges, methods, and approaches of global public health. This encyclopedia will cover all dimensions of the field, from details of specific diseases to the organization of social insurance agencies. A significant percentage of the articles will cover public health aspects of diseases and conditions. Other articles will survey aging, diet, injuries, ethical and legal subjects in public health, measurement and modeling, consumerism, anthropology and sociology, economics, the history of public health, and global issues. Edited and written by a distinguished international group of editors and contributors Heavily illustrated and abundantly cross-referenced Via ScienceDirect platform, multimedia files will provide an enhanced online experience Includes 'Further Reading' lists at the end of each article A complete subject index contained in one volume
Managing Air Quality and Energy SystemsBringing together a wealth of knowledge, the Handbook of Environmental Management, Second Edition, gives a comprehensive overview of environmental problems, their sources, their assessment, and their solutions. Through in-depth entries, and a topical table of contents, readers will quickly find answers to questions about pollution and management issues. This six-volume set is a reimagining of the award-winning Encyclopedia of Environmental Management, published in 2013, and features insights from more than 500 contributors, all experts in their fields. The experience, evidence, methods, and models used in studying environmental management is presented here in six stand-alone volumes, arranged along the major environmental systems. Features of the new edition: The first handbook that demonstrates the key processes and provisions for enhancing environmental management. Addresses new and cutting -edge topics on ecosystem services, resilience, sustainability, food-energy-water nexus, socio-ecological systems and more. Provides an excellent basic knowledge on environmental systems, explains how these systems function and offers strategies on how to best manage them. Includes the most important problems and solutions facing environmental management today. In this second volume, Managing Air Quality and Energy Systems, the reader is introduced to the general concepts and processes of the atmosphere, with its related systems. This volume explains how these systems function and provides strategies on how to best manage them. It serves as an excellent resource for finding basic knowledge on the atmosphere, and includes important problems and solutions that environmental managers face today. This book practically demonstrates the key processes, methods, and models used in studying environmental management.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2020
Nuclear Energy EncyclopediaThe A-to-Z reference resource for nuclear energy information A significant milestone in the history of nuclear technology, Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia: Science, Technology, and Applications is a comprehensive and authoritative reference guide written by a committee of the world's leading energy experts. The encyclopedia is packed with cutting-edge information about where nuclear energy science and technology came from, where they are today, and what the future may hold for this vital technology. Filled with figures, graphs, diagrams, formulas, and photographs, which accompany the short, easily digestible entries, the book is an accessible reference work for anyone with an interest in nuclear energy, and includes coverage of safety and environmental issues that are particularly topical in light of the Fukushima Daiichi incident. A definitive work on all aspects of the world's energy supply, the Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia brings together decades of knowledge about energy sources and technologies ranging from coal and oil, to biofuels and wind, and ultimately nuclear power.
There Is No Planet B: A Handbook for the Make or Break Years (Open Access Book)Feeding the world, climate change, biodiversity, antibiotics, plastics, pandemics - the list of concerns seems endless. But what is most pressing, and what should we do first? Do we all need to become vegetarian? How can we fly in a low-carbon world? How can we take control of technology? And, given the global nature of the challenges we now face, what on Earth can any of us do, as individuals? Mike Berners-Lee has crunched the numbers and plotted a course of action that is full of hope, practical, and enjoyable. This is the big-picture perspective on the environmental and economic challenges of our day, laid out in one place, and traced through to the underlying roots - questions of how we live and think. This updated edition has new material on protests, pandemics, wildfires, investments, carbon targets and of course, on the key question: given all this, what can I do?
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2021
The Water Encyclopedia"Just do an Internet search."; "It's on the Internet"; These phrases have quickly become a part of the vernacular. The quintessential book of data relating to water, The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources, Third Edition arose from the premise that most of the information provided within this publication could be easily
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
Publication Date: 2007
Water SustainabilityIntroduction to Water Sustainability -- Part I Sustainable Water Treatment and Water Supply Management -- Sustainable Water Treatment Using Nanofiltration and Tight Ultrafiltration Membranes -- Water Supply Sustainability -- Sustainable Agriculture Water Management -- Part II Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Waste Management -- Wastewater Treatment and Control Through Wetlands -- Wastewater Treatment Plant: Anthropogenic Micropollutant Indicators for Sustainable River Management -- Waste Management and Water Sustainability -- Part III Sustainable Stormwater Management -- Rainwater Harvesting -- Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse -- Part IV Water Reuse and Desalination -- Water Reclamation System and Micropollutants -- Desalination Technology for Sustainable Water Resource -- Part V Sustainable Groundwater Remediation -- Sustainability Principles -- Sustainable Remediation Methods for Metals and Radionuclides -- Part VI Sustainable Approach to Climate Impacts -- Climate Change Impacts on Emerging Contaminants -- Community-Owned Water Resource and Climate Change, Quality Management -- Part VII Integrated Water Management -- Water and Energy Nexus -- Water Sustainability and Renewable Energy: A Synopsis -- Water and Wastewater Operation: Instrumentation, Monitoring, Control, and Automation -- Sustainable Water Management and Triple Bottom Line Approach to Business Sector.
Call Number: (Electronic Resource)
ISBN: 1071624660
Publication Date: 2023
The World's Population: An Encyclopedia of Critical Issues, Crises, and Ever-Growing CountriesThis one-volume encyclopedia examines key topics, major world players, and imminent problems pertaining to the world's ever-growing population. According to the United Nations, the population of our planet reached 7 billion people in 2011. What areas of the world have the most people? What measures, if any, are in place to control the population? Why is Europe's population shrinking, while the rest of the world is growing? This eye-opening encyclopedia answers questions like these by examining significant issues and topics relating to the population and exploring profiles of the most populated countries and cities of the world. More than 100 alphabetically arranged entries focus on such topics as census, demography, megacity, overpopulation, and urban sprawl. Author Fred M. Shelley, an accomplished academic in the field of environmental sustainability, reveals the steps taken by major cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing, Mexico City, Seoul, Manila, and New Delhi in handling their population, and what is being done in China and other countries to prevent overcrowding. The text includes a discussion of how factors like migration patterns, war, and disease impact population change. This comprehensive encyclopedia also includes primary document excerpts from court cases, legislation, and political speeches relating to population issues. Provides interesting facts and figures through informative sidebars Reveals the populations of major countries and cities of the world to illustrate where people reside most and least Features maps, charts, and graphs to support visual learning and to compare and contrast factors affecting birth rates, deaths, and overall population profiles Contains excerpts from documents such as legislation and speeches relating to population and critical issues Examines the implications of China's one-child policy on controlling the population