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LING 80: Endangered Languages

Books on Reserve

Abley, Mark. 2005. Spoken Here: Travels Among Threatened Languages. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

This is a fun, light book written by a journalist interested in endangered languages It’s not very technical.  Contains short chapters on northern Australian languages, Yuchi (Oklahoma), Manx (United Kingdom), Boro (India) Provencal (France), Mohawk (Canada & US), Yiddish, and Welsh (United Kingdom)

Austin, Peter K. (ed.) 2008. One thousand languages: Living, endangered, and lost. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Beautiful, full color book contains short profiles of 1,000 languages, including major world languages, endangered languages, and ancient languages.

Bradley, David & Maya Bradley (eds.). 2002. Language endangerment and language maintenance. New York: Routledge Curzon.

Edited volume contains more detailed reports from professional linguists on language endangerment and revitalization. Contains chapters on Irish, Sm’algyax (Canada), Yi (China), Tai Ahom (India), Taba (Malaysia), various languages of Victoria (Canada), languages of Norfolk Island (Australia), and languages of East Timor

Granadillo, Tania & Heidi A Orcutt-Gachiri (eds.). 2011. Ethnographic contributions to the study of endangered languages. Tuscon: University of Arizona Press.

Edited volume written by various language experts. Contains chapters on educational policies in Kenya, Siberia, and Papua New Guinea. Contains chapters on language revitalization of Tecate (Mexico), Añun (Venezuela), and Miami (Illinois). Contains chapters on the history language loss of Kurripako (Venezuela) and Cherokee (North Carolina)

Grenoble, Lenore A, and Lindsay J. Whaley (eds.). 1998. Endangered languages: Current issues and future prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Edited volume contains chapters by experts. Contains chapters on community revitalization efforts in southeast Alaska, Mayan (Mexico), Mohawk (Canada/US), and South America (an overview. Contains chapter on language loss in Copper Island Aleut (Alaska)

Harrison, K. David. 2007. When Languages die: The extinction of the world’s languages and the erosion of human knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

general overview of endangered languages. Contains short case studies on Tofa (Russia), Monchank (Mongolia), Karai (Lithuania), Ifugao (Philippines), and various minority languages of India