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Environmental Sciences (Beach Erosion in the Santa Barbara Area): Selected Resources in the UCSB Library

Library Research Guide

Selected article resources in the UCSB Library

Adams, Peter N.; Inman, Douglas L.; and Lovering, Jessica L.  "Effects of climate change and wave direction on longshore sediment transport patterns in Southern California." Climatic Change, 109:1 (Dec 2011), SUPPL., pp. 211-228, from the issue entitled "Special Issue: California Second Assessment: New Climate Change Impact Studies and Implications for Adaptation." 
              Online Resource             
Congressional Serial Set. 80th Congress. House doc. 761 (11244). Santa Barbara, Calif., Beach Erosion Control Study.
             Search in Archive of Americana
Cottonaro, William F. "Sea cliff erosion, Isla Vista, California." California Geology 28:6 (June 1975) pp. 140-143. (California. Division of Mines and Geology).
             Request the item through Interlibrary Loan (Print Resource)
Cramer, A. J. "Shore processes at a man-made headland." Shore & Beach 47:3 (July 1979) pp. 2-7.
             TC330 .S5 (Print Resource)
Griggs, GB and Patsch, KB. “California’s coastal cliffs and bluffs.” In Hampton, MA and Griggs, GB, eds., Formation, evolution, and Stability of coastal cliffs. USGS Prof Pap., Rpt: P1693, pp.53-64, 2004.
             QE75 .P7 no.1693 (Print Resource)
             Open-Access Online Resource
Hapke, Cheryl and Plant, Nathaniel.  "Predicting coastal cliff erosion using a Bayesian probabilistic model."  Marine Geology 278:1-4 (15 December 2010) pp.140-149.
             Online Resource

Lu, Chia-Chi, Moore, Jon T., Noble, Ronald M. "Coastal process study on BEACON shoreline," in Kraus, NC; Gingerich, KJ; and Kriebel, DL, eds., Coastal sediments. New York: Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 1991.
             Online Resource
Norris, Robert M. and Back, William. "Erosion of seacliffs by groundwater," in Special Paper 252 (Geological Society of America), pp. 283-290. 1990.
             QE2 G45, No. 252 (Print and Online Resource)
Norris, RM. “Little-known causes of cliff erosion: Thirty-four years of observations at Isla Vista.” California Coast & Ocean 21:1&2 (Spring/Summer 2005) pp. 32-35.
              Request item through Interlibrary Loan (Print Resource)
Norris, Robert M. "Sea Cliff Erosion: a major dilemma," California Geology 43:8 (August 1990) pp. 171-177. (California. Division of Mines and Geology).
              Request item through Interlibrary Loan (Print Resource)
Norris, Robert M. "Sea Cliff Retreat Near Santa Barbara, California," Mineral Information Service 21:6 (June 1968) pp. 87-91. (California. Division of Mines and Geology).
             QE89 .A105 (Print Resource)
Norris, Robert M. "Southern Santa Barbara County; Gaviota Beach to Rincon Point." In Griggs, G., and Savoy, L., eds., Living with the California coast, pp. 359-. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2005.
            TC224.C2 G75 2005 (Print Resource)
            Online Resource
Orme, Anthony R. and Brown, Amalie Jo. "Variable sediment flux and beach management, Ventura County, California." In Magoon, OT and Converse, H, eds., Coastal zone '83, vol.3, pp. 2328-42. New York: Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 1983.
            Govt Info, California L260 .C62
Priestaf, Iris. "Natural tar seeps and asphalt deposits of Santa Barbara County," California Geology 32:8 (August 1979) pp. 163-169. (California. Division of Mines and Geology).
            Request item through Interlibrary Loan
Revell, David L.  Evaluation of long-term and storm event changes to the beaches of the Santa Barbara sandshed.  2007. [Dissertation]
  Online Resource
Russell, N. L. Sea-level rise, el nino, and the future of the California coastline. 2014. [Dissertation]
            Online Resource
Shaw, Martha J. "Coastal response of Leadbetter Beach, Santa Barbara, to Southern California storms of February 16-21, 1980." In Storms, floods, and debris flows in Southern California and Arizona 1978 and 1980: proceedings of a symposium, September 17-18, 1980, pp. 437-452. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1982.
            GB1399.4.C2 S762 1982 (Print Resource)
Storlazzi, CD and Griggs, GB. "Influence of El Nino-Southern Oscillation Events on the evolution of Central California's shoreline," Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 112, no. 2, pp. 236-249, Feb. 2000.
           Online Resource 
Watts, GM; Vallianos, L; and Jachowski, RA. "Means of controlling littoral drift to protect beaches, dunes, estuaries and harbour entrances." In El-Ashry, MT, ed., Air photography and coastal problems. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc., 1977.
            Request via Interlibrary Loan
UCSB Library Special Research Collections

Aerial photographs of Santa Barbara County. [Various dates]

Geological Survey (U.S.). 7.5-minute quadrangles. Washington, D.C. [Various dates]

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