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Nanotechnology: Reference Works

Electronic and print resources for nanotechnology and nanoscience.

Reference Works


Access Engineering - selected titles UCSB Only (
McGraw Hill's Access Engineering is a collection of handbooks spanning all areas of engineering, including a few in nanotechnology. The California Digital Library has purchased selected titles in this series and made them available onically as PDF copies.

Comprehensive Nanoscience and Technology  UCSB Only  (
Andrews, David L., Scholas, Gregory D. and Wiederrecht, Gary P. editors, 2010. New York, Amsterdam: Academic PressThis five volume work contains expert review artcles covering all areas on nanoscience and nanotechnology. The five volumes are divided into: Nanomaterials, Biological Nanoscience, Nanostructured Surfaces, Nanofabrication and Devices, and Self-Assembly and Nanochemistry.

Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3rd edition  UCSB Only  Lyshevsky, Edward, editor, 2014: New York: CRC Press

This five-volume set contains excellent short articles by noted authors in the field covering the whole range of nanoscience and technology. Each article is thoroughly referenced, and the encyclopedia is well-indexed.

Handbook of Advanced Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices. Nalwa, Hari Singh, editor. 2001 San Diego: Academic Press Reference Area TK7871 .H36 2001
Volume 6 of this reference work is devoted to "Nanostructured Materials." The text contains seven long review articles by prominent authors on nanostructured materials with useful electronic, magnetic and optical properties.

Handbook of Nanophase and Nanostructured Materials. Wang, Zhong Lin, Liu, Yi and Zhang, Ze, editors. 2003. New York: Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, Tsinghua University Press. Reference Area TA418.9.N35 H358 2003
The first volume of this set is devoted to syntheses of nanostructured materials: the second to characterization: the third and fourth to materials systems and applications. While not as attractively designed or well-written as some of the other works noted here, there is still considerable value in the unique content, especially in the first two volumes.

 Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology, 2nd ed. UCSB Only Goddard, William A. III, et al., editors. 2007 Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press  T174.7 .H36 2007
This one-volume handbook has chapters by a variety of authors in five broad sections: Overview of Nanotechnology; Molecular and Nanoelectronics; Molecular Electronics Devices; Manipulation and Assembly, and Functional Structures.

Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology. Nalwa, Hari Singh, editor. 2000. San Diego: Academic Press  Reference Area TA418.9.N35 H36 2000
The five volumes of this set are divided into Synthesis and Processing, Spectroscopy and Theory, Electrical Properties, Optical Properties and Organics, Polymers and Biological Molecules. The articles are by a group of international experts, well-written and well-referenced. UCSB Only The Knovel collection includes a growing number of reference works in nanotechnology and related fields, including nanobiotechnology and enviornmental naotechnology.

Nanotechnology Deskbook, Bergeson, Lynn and Hester, Tracy, editors, 2008, Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute KF3775.N36 B47 2008

This is a very different work from the other reference tools in the list. Rather than being devoted to the science of nanotechnology, this title pulls together the U.S. Federal laws and regulations that currently impact the use of nanotechnology and indicates where laws need to be modified to encompass new nanotech applications. Environmental scientists and engineers looking at real concerns will find this text of considerable interest.

Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, 3rd edition UCSB Only. Bhushan, Bharat, editor, 2010, Berlin, New York: Springer
A hefty one-volume work (it grew from some 1,200 pages in the first edition to over 1,900 pages in the third edition!), the Springer Handbook focuses on nanomechanical devices, their creation and properties, avoiding nanoelectronics and nanochemistry. It covers nanomechanical devices in great depth, with some especially excellent chapters on atomic force microscopy and other related tools for nanomeasurement and assembly.

What is What in the Nanoworld, 2nd ed. Borisenko, Victor E., and Ossicini, Stefano. 2008 Weineim: Wiley-VCHSciences Engineering Library T174.7 .B67 2008
A one-volume encyclopedic dictionary of nanotechnological terms and concepts.

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