We have a whole guide on GIS datasets and web map applications. Below are just a few samples.
Available through the DREAM Lab. Provides access to a wide variety of demographic, environmental, and historical information displayed via a map interface. Users can create, save, and share web maps using their own data as well as that provided by Esri and the ArcGIS Online user community. Web Map Applications allow a series of maps and visualizations to be packaged as presentations that can be shared with the UCSB community and the general public.
The dataset is an estimate of population per 30 arc second pixel (better than 1 square kilometer) for the entire earth for the years 2000-2011. UCSB has access to this dataset via a web application, from inside of desktop GIS software, and as one large file available in the DREAM Lab. The 2011 dataset includes population distributions changes based on the 2010 US Census and the 2011 Japanese earthquake and nuclear disaster. Expand “Additional Info” for Access Methods.
There are three methods of access:
Additional information is available directly from EastView. LandScan is produced by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Provides access and mapping tools for current and historical census data and demographic information.