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Accounting: Articles

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Find Articles, Citations, Reviews, and more in these Indexes and Databases:

ECONLIT (1969- ).  
The standard index to economic literature, from the American Economic Association. Books, articles, working papers...

Business Source Complete
Index and full-text of thousands of trade and scholarly publications in business, economics, and related fields. Also includes various market research reports, company research reports, and country research reports.
Includes over two million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters in social science and interdisciplinary research.
Regional Business News   
Complimentary to Business Source Complete (above). Index and full-text of regional business magazines and newspapers.
Nexis Uni
For Accounting information click on Subject Areas in the left column, Then click on Accounting
For general and business news use Easy Search. Search the News,  Major World Publications. See options in left column.
Find in-depth company information by using the Get Company Info search. Enter company name or ticker symbol. 
Books and articles
Web of Science (Social Science Citation Index).  
Key feature is citation index, which finds items which cite other items. You may create a 'web' of research on a topic, find out who and how many are citing you, etc.  It may also be used to identify works by author, topic. etc.
Wall Street Journal (1982-present)

Wall Street Journal (WSJ site; a personal subscription required)

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