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Linguistics: Library Services


Study Areas

Looking for a quiet place to study?  Want to study with a group?

Check out the maps of our study areas!

Gifts and Donations

Thank you for your interest in donating to the UC Santa Barbara Library. At this point, we are not accepting donations of books or other materials for the general research collections. To learn more about our gift policy, please refer to the "Gift Acceptance Policy" for more details.

My Library Account

Want to:

renew books?

       save searches?

               check ILL requests?

Log in to your Library Account!

Forgot your password?

Call us at (805) 893-3491
or e-mail 

DRAFT BOX DO NOT USE YET ~How to use My Library Account

Add a reusable link for My Library Account

How to log in? My computer gave me some trouble initially with chrome

What MLA does/doesn't do

--- MMM notes 7/27/21 will come back to this later

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