Chronicling America (Library of Congress)
The Chronicling America API provides access to information about historic U.S. newspapers and millions of digitized newspaper pages and their OCR data is available for bulk download. See the full list of digitized newspaper titles (1836-1922) for more information.
The Article Search API provides access to headlines, abstracts, lead paragraphs and more (but NOT full-text articles) from the New York Times, 1851 to present. A New York Times online subscription is available to all UCSB students, faculty, and staff see this guide for access information and details.
Write queries that compute the amount of time people appear and the number of time words are heard in cable TV news. Data was compiled from the Internet Archive's collection of 24-7 recordings of CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC between January 1, 2010 to present, and updates daily (with a 24-36 hour lag of original air date).