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EEMB 150A - Microbial Diversity I (Santoro, Winter 2025): Articles

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To find articles within journals, use Indexes and Databases. These are the best ones to start with:

If you do not see a .pdf link to a journal article, look for the Get it at UC button. We might still have access to the article. Use this same button to request an article from elsewhere if UCSB does not subscribe to it.

Find subject-based databases

Select "Article Indexes and Research Databases" to find databases by subject. Use a database or two that is most recommended in that subject.

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All the links on this page will route you through the Proxy Server to give you access when you are off-campus, but you can also install software to enable to get access to the subscription resources through the VPN. 

Is it Peer Reviewed?

Many of the journals indexed in specialized databases are scholarly but those databases do not tell you whether a journal is peer reviewed or not. 

To find out if a journal is peer reviewed look at the submission process on their website for authors. 

You can also ask a librarian or look at Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

Scholarly and Academic Journal Articles

Scholarly journals (also called academic journals) contain articles written by, and addressed to, experts in a discipline. Scholarly journals present the research of experts in a field, although these journals also often carry opinion pieces or even advertisements unique to the field addressed by the journal. Publication cycles vary for scholarly journals, ranging from yearly to monthly but most frequently they are published bimonthly (every other month) or quarterly.

Peer-reviewed journals (also called refereed or juried journals) send submitted articles to one or more experts for review before deciding to publish them. This review process helps ensure that published articles reflect solid scholarship in a field. Most often, the experts reviewing an article make critical comments on the text, comments that the author must incorporate into the article before its publication.

While not all scholarly journals are peer-reviewed, it is usually safe to assume that a peer-reviewed journal is also scholarly.

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