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HIST 106R: Undergraduate Research Seminar in History in Science, Technology, and Medicine (Aronova, Fall 2023): Home


The final product for this course will be an original research paper of between 15 and 20 pages on an approved topic relating to Darwin and his time. 

You will be using two major repositories of primary sources: the Darwin Correspondence Project and UCSB Library's Darwin/Evolution Collection housed in the Special Research Collections Department.

This guide will help you locate some of the Library's many secondary sources about Darwin and the impact of his evolutionary ideas. 

Charles Darwin Cigarette Card

Image source: NYPL Digital Collections


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Jane Faulkner
UCSB Library
Room 2561B, Ocean Side
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010
(805) 893-5380
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