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The annual UCSB Library Award for Undergraduate Research (LAUR) recognizes students who produce a scholarly or creative work that makes expert and sophisticated use of the collections, resources, and services of the UCSB Library.
The WRIT 2 Online Learning Module was originally released in Fall 2019. By design, students would complete the module before a library instruction session so that students could actively spend class-time on higher-level research skills with a librarian present for guided support.
Thank you for having the students complete this module so they can come prepared to the library workshop and work with us.
Student learning outcomes for the module:
By the end of the module, students should be able to....
This module is a living document and we'll be making adjustments for future quarters, feedback is always appreciated! Please email us at teaching&learning@library.ucsb.edu and let us know your thoughts so we can continue to improve this tool.
The purpose of the Learning About UC Library Search Tutorial and Library Module is to prepare WRIT 2 students for an instruction session associated with the Translation & Conversations Projects with UCSB Library. To ensure students complete the Library Resources before your scheduled library session, please:
*Notes on the "Librarian" role in Canvas:
The functionality of this role is the same as a "Designer," where a user can upload materials and help manage the site, but they do not have access to grades. For instructions on how to assign a librarian to a canvas course, please visit: https://help.lsit.ucsb.edu/hc/en-us/articles/9197369656987-Library-Service-Integrations-in-Canvas
Library Resources: Translation Project
Learning about UC Library Search Tutorial
In this activity, students will learn about how UC Library Search functions to retrieve various source types and apply keywords using advanced search techniques to locate a scholarly peer-reviewed journal article relevant to a research topic and discipline.
Uploading Instructions:
1. Copy the URL: https://ucsb.libwizard.com/f/Learning-about-UC-Library-Search-F21
2. Navigate to your Canvas course site and identify where you want this tutorial to be added
3. Add an activity, and choose "URL" to the desired week
4. Paste the URL and name the tutorial, "Learning about UC Library Search"
Library Resources: Conversations Project
The Library Module introduces students to UCSB Library and its various services, research tools, and support as well as concepts related to their WRIT 2 assignment
Note to instructors: The Library Module should be completed by students before the scheduled Library Instruction session
Uploading Instrucions
1. Copy the URL: https://tl.library.ucsb.edu/writing2/
2. Navigate to your Canvas course site and identify where you want the module to be added
3. Add an activity, and choose "URL" to the desired week
4. Paste the URL and name the module, "Writing 2 Library Module"
Here are a few additional resources on how to reach citations you may wish to add as well!
UCSB Library's Citation Styles Guide (Interactive tutorial on APA, MLA, and CSE citation styles on the homepage!)
UC Berkeley: How to Read Citations
CSUDH Library: Introduction to Citation Styles, APA 7th ed.