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Visual Literacy Workshop - URCA Poster Colloquium

student research posters from past URCA Colloquiums on a blue background 

Would you like to have your Colloquium poster displayed in the UCSB Library Showcase for Undergraduate Research?

To be eligible for entry, please join a Visual Literacy Workshop in UCSB Library on April 16th from 4pm - 5:30pm in Instruction & Training Room 1312 (1st floor, Mountain side).

Those who attend this workshop will be able to…

  • Articulate the requirements for posters to be eligible for display in UCSB Library
  • Apply design principles to present textual and visual information effectively
  • Use accessibility guidelines to format textual and visual information
  • Properly attribute sources and references
  • Work on their posters with help and guidance from a UCSB Librarian

What is a poster?

A poster is a way to display your current research project to an audience with compelling visuals. Most research posters are heavily text-based with some additional graphics or charts to make your results easy to understand. Posters often have to be viable in two scenarios: when you're standing near your poster and engaging with discussion by people viewing it and able to stand on it's own when people read it by themselves. 

You will want to include: 

  • A short descriptive title
  • Your name and your affiliation, including your co-investigators, faculty sponsor, and other important information
  • Introduction to your research question including some context for your research
  • Describe your methods
  • Summarize your results
  • Discussion of your results and how it connects to your initial question
  • Include a list of literature cited in a references list that aligns to your discipline
  • Include graphics, tables, photos or other elements that can help visually describe your research story - include a caption with appropriate citation information.

Adapted from Poster Presentations: What to Include from UCSB Undergraduate Research